Jonathan Byers

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Jonathan Byers request for oliva

Jonathan's p.o.v
Nancy wheeler the girl I was in love with broke my heart, she chose Steve over me.

Tears trickled down my face. I looked a complete mess I needed cheering up I dialed the numbers of my best friends Olivia's house "hello who's this" just hearing Olivia's voice made me feel better knowing she'd do anything for me, I do anything for her "h-hey" I stuttered trying not to whimper "its Jonathan" , "Jonathan what's wrong don't say nothing I can tell your crying cos you could different and you never cry, that's it I'm coming over I dont care if you don't wasn't me to I'm coming over anyway im not letting you be there on your own" with that she hung up I smiled to myself, she was literally the best best friend any one can ask for.(He was actually home alone Joyce was at work and will was at mikes)

I heard a car pull up a door slam then foot steps jogg up to my door, she let her self in like she usually does. She looked around and saw me, she stood frozen then came straight over to me engulfing me in to a hug "oh Jonathan tell me whats wrong, sit down I'll go make you a hot coca, and you tell me everything" she said while gently sitting me down.

I poured my heart out to her about how I loved Nancy but then something my mind clicked, I didn't love Nancy I loved Olivia all this time I was kidding my self. I looked at Olivia making me Coco I always knew she was beautiful but now I see her in a new light she was stunning. I walked up to her.

Olivia's p.o.v
Jonathan poured his heart out to me, I swear I could kill Nancy. I was ever so jealous of her getting the attention of the boy I liked. I was making him a Coco when I felt two arms wrap around my waist I tingled at Jonathon's very touch, It hurt to know he only ment this as a friend. He placed his hands on my hips turning me around I looked up to him as he looked down at me we both leaned in lips meeting in the middle, his lips felt as if they were moulded for mine tingles sent straight through my body. That's when we Heard "ewwwwww my eyessss" will screeched but ended up laughing we pulled apart and smirked.

Jonathan's p.o.v
Scrap me loving Nancy it had always been Olivia and always will be.

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