Jonathan Byers

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Imagine for thatonewritergirl48

Warning: strong language

Maya's p.o.v

I was sat in class bored out of my mind. The teacher said he was going to be about 10-15 minutes, great... 15 minutes of hell in this class of unsupervised gorillas.

I heard Steve "hey Byers, been sucking any dicks recently"  he said causing Tommy to bust out laughing "queer boy, awnser him" tommy said while walking over to where Jonathan was and pushing him "say something, gay boy" he said pushing Jonathan over and over.
This angered me but only because me and Jonathan were best friends. Up untill the start of high school we were inseparable, we would get bullied for being a little weird it didn't matter though we always had each others backs but he started to push me away not talk to me as much, it was like he was growing to dislike me more and more each day. Untill one day in the middle of class he shouted at me for no reason I asked him if he was ok and he snapped we had never talked since that day.
He would try to come up to me but I'd act like he wasn't there like what he did to me, I hated doing it but he needed to learn that you can't do that to someone make them care then push them out. On the other hand I also did it to try and forget my feelings for him I liked him more than a friend, but I guessed he just didn't like me, I guess he just grew up but with out me.

I stood up and faced towards tommy and Steve "gay huh? That's not what you where saying last week tommy when I heard you moan "Carl" behind a bush, oh and Steve at least he won't have a crusty smelly dick because he doesn't screw every single person he lays his eyes on" I said as I walked over to tommy and pushed him with force causing him to trip over a chair.
I looked over at Jonathan seeing that he had a stunned look on his face "yeah well at least there not fat" carol stepped in "f**K off, I suggest you get a new skrew buddy carol" tommy blushed "awe look Maya's sticking up for her long lost boyfriend" Steve said "no Steve, I never said he's my boyfriend did I. infact far from that but the thing that pisses me off it's you, you think it's okay to start running your mouth like you own the whole fucking world. Well let me tell you something sunshine, your a dick just a plain old teenage douche bag and once we leave school you'll just be another speak of dust in this whole world." I finished and sat down and crossed my arms on to my desk.

~~~Skip to end of school~~~

I was at my locker putting away my books and pens.
I slammed it shut and turned around bumping straight in to someone's cheat causing me to jump "Jesus what are you doing" I looked up to see who it was "Jonathan?" He grabbed my hands and walked me over to his car "what are you doing" I questioned, he didn't awnser he just cupped my face I'm his hands and pulled me into a kiss I was reluctant at first but soon kissed back, it was sweet yet it felt as if we telling each other a thousand feelings, we pulled away I felt weird form the loss of contact the tingles I got from kissing him went away "what was that for" I said as I looked up at Jonathan, he sighed "I get why you hate me, but please just listen the reason I stopped talking to you was because my feeling for you grew I started to fall in love with you. I was scared you'd find out out leave me but I did the wrong thing I pushed you away thinking I'd forget those feelings but i didn't I couldn't.  I missed you god I can't tell you how much I've missed you. So yeah Maya I'm just going to say it I'm madly and deeply in love with you" I stood frozen he likes me no in fact he loves me "I love you to Jonathan" pulling him down for another kiss.


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