Eddie Munson 1

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-You will be mute in this imagine so please don't read if that will cause any upset for you

Your hands, face & clothes were caked in blood and dirt. Sucking in a deep breath you mustered up the courage to push your self from the ground, searing pain jolted it self up from your wrist the the elbow of your arm.
Fuck, it was definitely broken.

All you wanted to do was sit on the branches of the rather large oak tree before heading off to see Eddie. The sky in Hawkins was always beautiful at night, stars so clear it's almost as if you can reach out and grab them.
It was about the only thing you liked about living there & of course there was Eddie as well.
But as much as you enjoyed spending time with him you appreciated your own company,
Eddie had recently befriended you and it was quite the jump from having no friends to having a group of loud, outspoken & downright nerds take you in. But nether the less you appreciated it, you see people weren't usually very nice to you being mute wasn't something the people of Hawkins took kindly too.
Kids, parents and even teachers would laugh and mock, but not Eddie. Never Eddie.
He came and sat next to you in the lunch hall one day, he didn't say anything just pulled out the exact book you were reading, you smiled at him. He had good taste, but you already knew that. He was a metal head, of course he had good taste.

You'd managed to hobble your way over to the benches near his cabin, the tree was only 30 seconds away from were he lived. Your hellfire shirt Eddie gave you was now ripped and your doc marten boots scuffed, mentally noting just be more careful next time and pay attention when climbing a tree so you don't fall out of it.

Hearing a door open and shut you looked to see who it was hopefully they wouldn't mock you and help you get to a hospital, lucky enough for you, you saw a head of long brown locks that belonged to the metal man himself.

"Hey! I was just coming to loo-"
he cut himself off once he got a clearer view of you.
"Shit y/n what did you do?"
You gestured your head toward the tree you fell from hoping he would understand,
"You fell from a tree?"
He spoke whilst slipping his leather jacket around your shoulders.
Nodding yes, you then held up your wrist that now made your hand point slightly downwards, causing you and Eddie to both wince.
"Hospital it is then" .

He wrapped his hand round your waist and hoisted you to your feet careful not to hurt you, and slowly made your way to his van.
On the ride to the hospital it was silent, but not an awkward one. Knowing that you found comfort in it Eddie didn't play his usual metal at ungodly volumes, not that you minded.

Eddie placed a hand on your knee and gently rubbed with his thumb, it was weird but comforting. You'd never had someone show they cared for you.
Plus he didn't seem to mind that his hand was now covered in blood from where your leg had scraped the ground.

After a few hours at the hospital you were finally fixed up, a cast now supporting your broken wrist and all cuts and scraped cleaned and dressed. Eddie hadn't left your side all night, making you smile and distracting you from the pain you were in.

"That cut on your heads gonna scar and it's going to be a beauty" Eddie laughed, nudging you with his shoulder before opening the door to his van for you,
"I'm glad your okay, I hated seeing you in all that pain. But the way you handled it that, -that was pretty metal"
You smiled brightly at him, knowing that if Eddie said something was metal it was him showing he was deeply impressed by something.

"Thank you"
You didn't know if Eddie had heard it since it was so quiet, and if he did he didn't make a big fuss which you appreciated greatly.

Eddie had heard it, he was the first person to hear your voice for 6 years although quiet he almost melted upon hearing it. Soft and sweet like honey, he thought.
Making him fall even more in love, with the mute girl that sat next to him.

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