how you embarrass them/you

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How you embarrass him- just randomly start busting out little dance moves when ever where ever (because you slay) but in the end mike usually joins you.
How he embarrasses you- he makes funny faces at you to make you laugh out loud causing people to look.

how you embarrass him- you tell the story of how me managed to trip get up then trip again in the matter of about 5 seconds, when you go into detail you allways crack up and cause him to blush.

How he embarrasses you- he tickles you in public causing you to laugh really loudly.

Eleven- umm i couldn't really think of anything for her sorry.

Will- how you embarrass him- when you tell his older brother about the time he jumped in to the swimming pool and his swimming shorts were to big for him so they just sort of Floated away.

How he embarrasses you- he's a lil puddin he's to cute to be embarrassing.

Lucas- how you embarrass him- when you beat him at d&d and before hand he said he was going to win.

How he embarrasses you- he sasses you out when you try to out smart him but after he's done that he'll feel bad and hugg you.

Jonathan- how he embarrasses you- when out somewhere if he sees music he's super unto hell go and geek out over it, getting a little to enthusiastic and draw unwanted attention.

How you embarrass him- when you sing in your (f/Disney character/ voice) but he also finds it very cute.  

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