Jonathan the perv

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( I don't think of the character Jonathan as a pervert this is just an imagine) also this is gonna be a long imagine so yeah.

You p.o.v
I was walking out of school to meet my boyfriend of 1 year Jonathan. I noticed he was stood in front of Nancy, Steve, Tommy, carol and Nicole he looked pissed off.

I jogged over towards them "that's the thing about perverts its hardwired into them and they can't help themselves" I heard Steve say while tearing up a picture, I waved towards Nichole and she waved back and smiled, "hey Jonathan what's going on?"
I asked "ahh just the girl, hey y/n do you know that's your boyfriends a pervert" Tommy said laughing "wait what?" I said a little bit shocked at what I just heard, Steve handed me a picture it was of Nancy half naked in someone's window, you looked at Jonathan guilt written allover his face "y-you took these" you said stepping away from Jonathan he looked down and nodded. you looked up at Steve, a sympathetic look formed on his face.

No not Jonathan not my Jonathan but he did "you fucking pervert" i said as I slamed the picture into his chest tears had formed into the coroner's of my eyes, Nicole pulled me into a hug (you and Nicole are friends) I cried into her shoulder  "well I guess we will just have to take away his toy" Steve said as he grabbed Jonathan's camera I turned around to see that Steve was holding Jonathan's camera out Towards him but before he grabbed it Steve let if fall out of his hands, smashing onto pieces against the floor I grimaced and a pang of pain shot in my heart that camera was the one I brought him for his birthday (just go with it)
I remember that day, his face full of excitement and happiness as he saw what I had got him. How he pulled me in to a hug planting a kiss on my lips, saying how he was exited to take pictures of the most beautiful thing in the world and that it was me, a few more tears slid down my face. 
Obviously Nancy was his new interest I mean I wouldn't blame him she's petite and extremely pretty, he was just pretending to be in love with me because boy I was in love with him.

"hey you ok?" Carol asked rubbing my shoulder, I nodded and smiled weakly.
I looked over and saw Jonathan looking directly up at me his eyes watered slightly as he looked into my eyes (he was picking up the pieces if his camera) he stood up and tried to place his hand on my cheek, Nicole quickly stepped in front of me "piss off Byers" she said in an angered tone "she deserves much better than you" "come on the games starting soon, you wanna come y/n?"  I smiled yet another weak smile "I want to talk to Jonathan first I'll meet you in there" I said "ok sure" he smiled at me placing a hand on my shoulder then walking away.

Nancy was picking up a torn up picture one the ground "hey nance come on" Steve yelled, Nancy and Jonathan shared a arkward glance then she ran off to Steve "y/n" Jonathan whispered now letting tears rise to his eyes, he tried to touch my cheek but I slapped his hand away "no Jonathan, this you deserve this" I said printing at the photos "but I don't, I get it ok you like Nancy. But it doesn't give you the right to stalk her and take photos of her! Jonathan I love you and I know times are tough for you at the moment but right now it seems as if you want more trouble for your self" I said my voice wobbled as I tried not to cry "y/n I love you, I just I-I just didn't know what came over me" he said tears trailing down the sides if his cheeks "save it Jonathan, I don't want to hear another word, we are over." I said and walked away heart Brocken.

Wowwwwwwwww. That was bloody long to write but hey hoo I know it's kinda boring but I wrote this while sitting in a car for an hour so yah!😂😂 I decided to not have this imagine be all fluff at stuff please let me know if you want more imagines that aren't quite as fluffy!😂 Peace out my Demogorgon's✌

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