Dustin Henderson

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I was walking into school hand in hand with my very first boyfriend Dustin, we had grew up together I was in his friendship group and I had fell for him, he's such a sweet caring lil cutie. to say I loved him is a lot but I do he is my best friend as well as boyfriend.

We walked up to will, lucas, mike and Elle "hey guys" I said with a smile on my face "hey, y/n you and Dustin are so cute together" Elle said all excited (she's learned a load of new stuff) "thanks Elle" I said while giggling with her.

I looked over toward mike his jaw was clenched, he looked mad. I let go of Dustin's hand and walked over to him "hey mike can I have a word" I asked, he just nodded we stepped aside excusing are selves from the group. "Hey mike what's wrong you looked really mad" mike looked down "y/n I guess I better cone clean, look I really like you ive like d more than a friend for years. when Elle arrived I tried to get over them feelings by trying to like elle but my feelings for you will never go away" I stood there shocked, I didn't know mike liked me like that but I'm with Dustin I love Dustin. All I think of about mike is him being my best best best friend. "I'm sorry mike but I'm with Dustin, I really do love Dustin im so sorry I hope this doesn't affect are friendship" I felt guilty, I could see mime pushing tears back this caused my eyes to water "its okay, and it won't affect are friendship, I'm really happy you and Dustin are happy together" he weakly smiled at me. I pulled him in for a hug, i felt really bad but there was nothing I could do.

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