I take a seat and think about way to incoporate all the ideas to a game, my thoughts get interruputed with a large man coming through the door along with Kylie, oh shit I'm fucked.

"Girls, this is the new bodyguard you heard about, this is Kylie" the guy says, the girls all welcome Kylie and her eyes land on me .

"Y/n, what you doing here I said to wait" Kylie says, making the girls know who I was.

"I was bored and I took a walk and ran into Lauren, then she let me meet the girls, no harm done right" I said and she lets it go.

For the remainder of our time there, we just talked and the girls mention some new music coming but didn't give too much away, before we leave Kylie the idiot she is, invites the girls over to our house tomorrow so she can get to know them better, like for real why do this. Only cause she has a thing for Camila, this won't help with anything at all.

Anyway me and Kylie leave and we hop back into my car (pic above) and I drive her home, as I'm meeting the band at McDonalds for a bite. So after I take her home I drive to McDonalds, park my car and walk in, and I see them in the corner I walk over and sit by Shane.

"Hey girl, glad you made it" Shane says as I sit.

"Yeah I had to take Kylie to this job thing but all good now" I say, I didn't mention where because I'm literally still too tired to think.

After we talk for a little we all eat and have a few laughs, then we decide to do a video for Youtube. So we head to my car and drive to mine, we have a small set up in the attic, it's all sound proof so we don't disturb anyone. We all to mine and go to the attic after saying hi to Riley, Nate and Kylie. I set up the camera, while Shane sits at his drums and Xavier and Natalie tune their guitars. After setting up and tuning my guitar we all decide to think of what to sing.

"Why don't we do one of our own for a change" Natalie suggests, we all agree to it. This will be the first original we ever do.

I hit record and start it up.

"Hey there everyone, we are The Brotherhood and we are going to do something a little different, we are going to do one of our own songs for you today called Hero so I hope you enjoy" I say into the camera. We all start the beat and begin.

[Hero -  Y/n and (Nat)]

I'm just a step away

I'm just a breath away

Losin' my faith today

(We're fallin' off the edge today)

I am just a man

Not superhuman

(I'm not superhuman)

Someone save me from the hate

It's just another war

Just another family torn

(We're falling from my faith today)

Just a step from the edge

Just another day in the world we live

I need a hero to save me now

I need a hero (save me now)

I need a hero to save my life

A hero'll save me (just in time)

I've gotta fight today

To live another day

Speakin' my mind today

This Is The Life (Lauren/You) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now