Mind Games

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=Charles Xavier=
- X-Men First Class -

"Rosa! Rosa, wake up! "
My brother shook me awake. I opened my eyes to see a rusty bed and a damp ceiling. I looked to my side and saw my older brother, Erik. I said, "What is it brother?" Erik smiled sadly down at me and replied, "It's Shaw. He has got mama and now he wants me." Erik could control metal. Mine was to control the four elements. My blue eyes grew wide and filled with tears. I quickly climbed out of bed and hugged my elder brother. He was 12 and I was 10. My heart started to speed up it's pulse. My brother then whispered, "Rosa...don't cry...here. Take this." He took off a silver locket off his neck and clasped it around mine He opened it and inside we're two pictures. One with mama and papa and one with Erik and I smiling. I looked up to him and said fearfully, "Are you going to be alright? " He hesitated for a second but replied, "I don't know. But I will find you. I promise. " He used his baggy jumper sleeve to wipe my tears away. All the clothes here for the children were too big. The clothes for the adults were too small. Erik hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I won't let them get to you. I promise. When they come for me, I want you to pretend you are sleeping. Then run. Run Rosa as far as you can. Don't look back no matter what. You understand me?"
Clanging and heavy footsteps could be heard from the other side of the metal door. The soldiers were coming. To separate us for the first time and to change our lives forever. Erik's eyes became wide as he urged me, "Hurry! Off to bed." I quickly climbed up the flimsy bed as I asked hopefully, "Will you tuck me in?" He smiled and nodded. He pulled the thin blankets around me and pressed a kiss to my forehead. The door slammed open and a voice barked, "Lensherr!" My brother's eyes became fearful. Soldiers marched in and took his arms and started pulling him out. Just before the door closed, our eyes met. It will be the last time for nearly 15 years till we meet again.
As soon as the door closed, I grabbed my knapsack and reached under my pillow. There was a small musical box with little items in it. I placed it carefully into my bag and packed some dried food and smuggled water. I zipped it up and without a fleeting glance, I jumped out of the window.
I landed on some grass and I peered into the sky. I was tiny, compared to the inky darkness of the sky. I heard a gun shot and my blood ran cold. If Shaw shot to kill, which he probably was, Erik or mama was dead. But I heard enraged yells followed by items crashing. My brother was alive but it meant that... Mama was dead. Gone. Tears streamed down my porcelain face. But I wasted no time. I slung it over my shoulder and jumped over the fence.
I ran for days, months and years. Always keeping my chin high and face proud. I promised to myself that I will find Erik and kill Shaw. If he hadn't died or perhaps murdered already. I promised myself to find Shaw. Dead or alive. To find my brother.
~Years later~
I sat in a bar, sipping my water. I sighed and ran a hair through my dark hair. I heard the door open and I turned my head around. There were two men. Both very handsome. They walked up to a regular customer, and they hadn't opened their mouth to speak before he swore at them. I smiled and shook my head. I picked up my bag and left a few coins on the table. I walked out of the bar. I heard the two men following me. I walked faster. I lifted my hand slightly and controlled the wind to make it harder for them to walk.
I stopped in my tracks. Nobody knew my true name. I go by Violetta White. I haven't heard my true name since I was a child. I said softly, "Say that again. Please." I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked around. The one face, grown and matured but had the same eyes. Erik. His eyes looked into mine. My breath hitched. I shook my head and whispered, "This isn't real. They're just playing with me. He isn't real." My brother's soft smile dropped and he held onto my arms and said urgently, "Rosa! It's me. Erik. Your brother." That's strange. The dream Erik never associated with me. I asked him softly, "Tell me all you know about me. Not looks. Personality and personal stuff." He smiled and replied, "Your birthday is on the 22nd October. Your favourite flowers are daffodils and tulips and your favourite season is Spring. You love the colour blue and has a habit of biting your bottom lips when you're nervous. You love elegant and classy things and always strive to do better. You're selfless kind, caring and very stubborn." Tears filled my eyes and I threw my arms around him. It was truly him. I found my brother. He hugged me back. Tears were in his eyes and he laughed. I smiled and released him. I looked at the other man and silently observed him. Definitely in the high-class, quite handsome, womaniser, English?...
"I can hear you darling. Your thoughts are quite loud, you know. But I forgive you because you're very beautiful."
I narrowed my eyes at him. Erik turned behind him and scowled at him. That man smiled and said, "Charles. Charles Xavier. Pleasure to meet such an angel." He put his hand out and I took his hand, to receive a kiss on the knuckles. Erik was still glaring at him. I slapped him playfully on the chest and he looked down at me. I laughed and ducked, before his hands could tickle my sides. I just didn't know that he, Charles Xavier had fallen for me. His mind was a puzzle. Almost like, a game. A mind game. An almost impossible one to crack. But one day. One day, I will crack the code.

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