Fandom One shots and Imagines (Writing For Male Characters Only)

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=Harry Potter=
- Harry Potter
- Draco Malfoy
- Oliver Wood
- Cedric Diggory
=Marauders Era=
- Sirius Black
- James Potter
- Remus Lupin
=Inheritance Cycle=
- Eragon
- Roran
- Murthagh
=X-Men First Class and Apocalypse=
- Warren Kenneth Worthington III (Angel)
- Charles Xavier
- Erik Lensherr (Magneto)
- Alex Summers (Havoc)
- Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)
=Now You See Me=
- Jack Wilder
- J. Daniel Atlas
=Les Miserables (movie)=
- Enjolras King
- Marius Pontmercy
- Robert Pattinson
- Sam Claflin
- Adam Levine
- Andrew Garfield
- Sebastian Stan
- Niall Horan
- Louis Tomlinson
- Scott Eastwood
- Grant Gustin
- Clint Barton
- Steve Rogers
- James 'Bucky' Barnes
- Pietro Maximoff
- Loki Laufeyson
=Amazing Spider-Man 2=
- Peter Parker
- Harry Osborne
- Edward Cullen
- Jasper Hale
- Carlisle Cullen
- Demetri Volturi
=Heroes Of Olympus=
- Percy Jackson
- Jason Grace
- Leo Valdez
- Nico Di Angelo
=Divergent Trilogy=
- Four
- Eric
=Hunger Games=
- Finnick Odair
- Peeta Mellark
- Gale Hawthorne
- Cato
=Maze Runner Trilogy - Dedicated to claudia6962=
- Newt
- Thomas
- Minho
- Aris
=Jurassic World=
- Owen Grady
- Zach Mitchell
=Sherlock Holmes BBC=
- Sherlock Holmes
- John Watson
=The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings=
- Thranduil
- Legolas
- Aragorn
- Frodo Baggins
=Mission Impossible=
- William Brandt
- Ethan Hunt
=Star Trek Reboot=
- Jim Kirk
- Leonard "Bones" McCoy
- Hikaru Sulu
=Independence Day: Resurgence=
- Jake Morrison
- Charlie Miller
=Pirates of the Caribbean=
- Will Turner
- Philip Swift
- James Norrington
- Cutler Beckett
- Jack Sparrow?
=Glee Season 1-6=
- Jesse St. James
- Sebastian Smythe
- Jake Puckerman
=Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Green Arrow=
- Barry Allen
- Oliver Queen
- Leonard Snart
- Roy Harper

Disclaimer: All credit of the book characters except my OC's go to Christopher Paolini, J.R.R Tolkien, Stan Lee, J.K Rowling, Rick Riordan, Stephanie Meyer, Veronica Roth, Suzanne Collins and James Dashner, along with all the directors, producers and screen writers of the movies and tv shows.

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