Spark in my heart

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=Draco Malfoy=
- Harry Potter -

I walked out of Hogwarts, or what was left off it. I went to Draco's side and he took my hand into his. He squeezed it and whispered down at me, "No matter what side I choose, make your choice on what you think is right. He will definitely ask you to join his side because of your power." I nodded. I saw Hagrid's carrying a body in his arms. My heart dropped. It must have shown on my face because Draco squeezed my hand. He gave me a weak smile. I couldn't find the will to smile back. I could see all the Death eaters beckoning to me. My parents were one of Voldemort's inner circle. My name is Annabelle Santiago. I looked down. Voldemort gloated about killing Harry. Something in me sparked. Like a flare in the darkness. Voldemort then turned to us, laughing. I heard whispers.
"Draco. Draco!"
I saw his parents calling for him. He turned to me and said, "Come." I dropped my hand out of his and shook my head. His eyes nearly broke me. He then slowly walked foward. Voldemort hugged him and I cringed. Draco Malfoy had crossed to the dark side. I sighed and looked to the ground. I could feel that everyone was expecting me to go over as well. I shook my head. Voldemort held out his hand to me and said, "Will you join us? Your parents would want what's best for you. And you wouldn't want to be separated from Draco."
I sneered and spat out, "Don't you dare talk about my parents! You killed them. Right in front of my eyes. I'll join you when hell freezes over Hogwarts." Voldemort laughed and said, "Open your eyes. Hell has already froze over your home." I shook my head, my blond curls shaking. I said, "No it hasn't. There are people fighting with determination and passion, fighting for their loved ones, fighting for their home. As long as there's hope and light, I'll never join you. I don't care what my parents want. This is my choice and my life. They may have tainted my name and my reputation but I'll stand for what I believe in. When you strongly believe in something, it is your duty and your right to plant yourself like a tree. Bravery is present in you. No matter what house you're in. So I'll fight. Harry may be dead but we can continue his legacy. So many people died today. I'm not going to just give up their lives that they've laid down for us. For Hogwarts. If I die trying, so be it." Voldemort's face contorted to rage. I stepped forward. I heard a yell from the Death Eater's side. Draco's yell. I hardened my crystal blue eyes. Voldemort whipped out his wand. Harry tumbled from Hagrid's arms. I smiled. I created a forcefield around the entrance of the castle as everyone ran inside. My heart pounded as people from all around started congratulating me. I saw a glimpse of stormy grey eyes, staring at me. I raised a hand and he raised his. With that, he ran. My heart sank. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Cho. She whispered, "I lost someone I loved deeply as well. His name was Cedric. Did you know him?" I nodded and said, "Yeah. He was a very kind person. We used to hang out in the library. He was the closest thing to a brother." She nodded and took my hand. She guided me down to a bench and we talked about Hogwarts. Our memories, flashed before my eyes. My first date. Draco had taken me to the lake. I smiled at that. Even though we're separated, we are bonded in more than just lovers. Like they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The fact that Voldemort had made Draco so scared, fuelled my anger. I will meet him again. That I swear.

Draco pressed a lingering kiss on his lovers forehead before getting up from the cracked stone floors and dusted himself off. Even in the aftermath of the war, through all the dirt and the dust, she was still the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He took one look at Annabelle's sleeping form before slipping his hands into his pockets and walked the other way.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Draco stopped in his tracks and shook his head before muttering,"Granger."
"You're not just going to leave Anna here, are you? She just lost everything today, her friends, her home and her parents. She doesn't deserve this."
He turned around and stared down at his feet before looking up at the brunette. "She also doesn't deserve looking behind her shoulder, being on the run. To leave everything she built together behind. She doesn't deserve any of that. She deserves a man who isn't broken. She's too good." Draco's voice grew louder with every word uttered. A single tear fell from his eyes, trailing its way down his chiseled, pale, worn face. Cutting though the grime and the dirt from the fight. He dropped to his knees, beside Annabelle and muttered, "She's too good." Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "She needs you. More than ever. If you leave her now, neither of you will ever be happy."
Beside him, her eyelashes fluttered as her blue eyes opened. Draco helped her up as Anna sobbed into his chest. He wrapped his long arms around her, enveloping her petite body.
A forlorn smile crossed Hermione's face before she asked Draco, "Where will you go?"
Draco replied, "I don't know."
"I'll clear your name." Draco turned around to see Harry and Ron. He whispered in disbelief, "What?"
Harry walked forwards and said, "I'll clear your name, that you were under influence. I can't clear your reputation in the public, but I can clear you through the law." Draco 's face fell and he asked, "Why?" A small smile appeared on Harry's face, "Your mother saved my life. She made me promise to take care of you. To find you, and take care of you, and that's exactly what I'm going to do."
Annabelle wrapped her arms around Harry and whispered in his ear, "Thank you." He shook his head and replied, "A love like that is rare. Hold on to it." She nodded. The two men shook hands before Draco turned to Ron and opened his mouth to apologize. Ron held up his hand and said, "No need for sorry. It's already been done. You two just take care of each other, Malfoy." Hermione hugged Annabelle and said, "You take care. Both of you." She hugged her friend once again, tears streaming down, before Anna said, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "Invite me to the wedding you two. I call dibs on best maid." Hermione laughed and shook her head, "I won't have it any other way." The two girls separated as Anna took Draco's outstretched hand, and they walked together, out of the ruins of the castle.
"What now?" Anna asked, leaning onto Draco, as they watched what remained of Hogwarts, slowly starting to rebuild itself. He looked down at her and said, "I don't know. But how about we go buy that house by the beach, with the white fences and a golden retriever?" She looked back up at him with immense joy and whispered fondly, "You remembered." Draco smiled and said, "Of course I did. Now, maybe now we can add a little bit more of forever into that dream." Anna smiled. "Maybe one day, you can make my dream come true too." Anna's face grew curious, "You never told me. What is your dream?" Draco smiled fondly before spinning her round to face him.
"My dream is that one day, you'll be sending wedding invites to Weasley and Granger, Longbottom and maybe even Potter. That we can redecorate that old attic into a nursery. That one day we can watch the scarlet train leave the platform with our kid on that train. That we can grow old together. That our love, will be always, and forevermore eternal." Anna's eyes grew big as tears welled in her blue eyes. She threw her arms around his neck as he lifted he up. She whispered against his collar, "Forever it is."
~19 years later~
We stood before the red brick wall between platform 9 and 10. I looked down to see the little Draco. Scorpius. I smiled and said, "If you're feeling nervous, I'm sure your father would run with you. I'll be right behind." He nodded and an older version of Scorpius took hold of the trolley bar. Draco. He smiled at me then said, "Come on buddy. Let's go." Scorpius nodded and they both ran through the wall. I smiled and walked right through. And just like a veil, I saw the famous scarlet train, puffing steam in all its glory. I kneeled down to Scorpius and said, "Have you got everything?" He shrugged and said, "I think so." I replied, "Books?"
"All of them, mum."
"Yes, mum."
Draco laughed and said, "Calm down darling. I would know that he has everything because you checked his bag more than three times before we left the house." I sighed and said, "I'm just worried." Scorpius looked at us worriedly. I kneeled down next to him and said, "What's the matter, sweetheart?"  Scorpius said, "What if I don't get into Slytherin?" Draco smiled and replied, "That doesn't matter. If you get into Slytherin, which is the better house, and-ow!" I slapped him playfully on the chest, "We will forever love you. No matter what." I nodded and hugged him tight. Draco hugged him again and Scorpius boarded the train. Draco's arm went around my waist and I smiled. Everything was perfect. It all fit into place after the battle. I found Draco and we both ran away.  I saw Harry approaching us and I walked to him. I hugged him and Ginny. Draco came behind me and he greeted them with a curt nod. Harry smiled at me and said, "You guys are definitely better parents then yours ever were." I laughed and replied playfully, "We try." I waved goodbye to small Lily and Draco and I walked home. He smiled and me and said, "I love you so much." I leaned my head on his shoulder and said, 'I love you too."

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