A New Look

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- Descendants Disney -

Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defence. What may seem beautiful, may also be lethal. My name is Mariella, but please, by all means, call me Ella. Ben, one of my best friends had called me today, to inform me of the new kids coming. Of course, I knew. Everyone in Auradon Prep knew. It's not everyday the kids of the kingdom's sworn enemies show up. Honestly, I don't care. Everyone makes their own choice. They still have an option. I was never the girl who worried about their hair or nails. After all, what can you expect from the daughter of Merida? I love archery but dancing above it. Ballet. I know, a girly thing to do but I love it. My mother agreed to let me practise. I inherited her red hair, green eyes and brave personality.

I had told Ben that I won't be there to welcome them but I'll meet them later. He agreed and said, "Of course. Should I bring the to you then?" I nodded and went to my grove. I call it the secret grove. My mother and I had discovered it when we were hunting. Over the years, the garden grew even more beautiful. I tended to it. The green grass welcomed me to dance and lay in. The flowers exploited such fragrance that it sent me to the stars. But what was the most beautiful part of it was the gazebo. Made of birch wood, with rose vines climbing up the pillars. I always dance there. I stood under it, listening to the birds chirping. The gentle wind blew my red, flaming hair around. I smiled.

I heard footsteps and awkward laughter behind me. I turned around. Ben was leading a small group of kids towards me. I smiled and crossed my arms. Ben stopped in front of me and he grinned at me, "Hey Ella, um, this is the new kids from the Isle of the Lost. Have fun!" I sighed and glared at Ben. He just rubbed his head and walked away. I observed them closely. The leader seemed to be the purple haired girl. She had her arms crossed and staring right at me. The other female in the group had blue hair and she was marvelling the garden. The two boys, one had white hair and the other... Wow. He had long black hair and muscled arms. His brown eyes sparkled with mischief.

I said, "Hello, my name is Ella. Short for Mariella." They just stared at me. Ah. Ben didn't say that they were this, um, judgemental? Never mind. The black haired boy came forward and winked at me before he said, "Jay. Son of Jafar." I nodded and smiled. The white haired one said, "Carlos. Son of Cruella Di Vil." I smiled and nodded. The blue haired girl said, "Is this your garden?" I laughed and shrugged before I replied, "It's more of my mother Merida's, really." She spun around before introducing herself, "Evie. Daughter of the Evil Queen." I chuckled and said, "You can have a look around you know. Don't just stand there like statues." Jay, Carlos and Evie laughed before wandering off. I turned to the 'leader' of the pack and asked, "May I ask your name?" She cocked her head before she said, "Mal. Daughter of Maleficent." I smiled before whispering, "Just so you know, I always thought sleeping beauty was too much of a beauty. Too many dresses." She cracked a small smile at me before walking off to inspect the garden. I folded my hands in front of me and sighed happily. I swirled around, my emerald dress swishing around my legs. I picked up my silver bow and a quiver of arrows. I traced the engraved patterns in the silver. I nocked an arrow and breathed out. I aimed it at the faded mark on the tree trunk before firing. It landed bullseye. I smiled and heard clapping. I turned to see Jay. I smiled and chuckled softly. I placed down my bow and walked past him. I had saw another head of unruly red hair. My mother. She emerged from the woods, hood covering her head. I walked up to her and hugged her. She embraced me back. I whispered, "Why are you here Mother? You know who they are and what they can and will do." She nodded and replied, "Remember Ella, people change. Just because their blood is tainted doesn't mean that their blood are. They have a choice." I nodded. She walked softly back into the depths of the trees. I sighed and turned around. I saw the villain kids, regrouped again. I clapped my hands together and said, "Great! I'll introduce you guys to Doug and he'll take you around." They followed me out and as I led them out, I could sense them staring at me. They didn't know it but I did. Everything. Their plan on stealing the wand, Mal putting Ben under a love potion, and ultimately the change of heart.

Fandom One Shots and Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن