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=Erik Lensherr (Magneto)=
- X-Men First Class -
A man walked into the most disclosed bar in the city, not wanting to be found by any of his colleagues, or "friends", as they labelled themselves. His mere presence seemed to bring an aura of sophistication into the dimly lit room which stank of liquor and cheap tobacco. He was wearing a black turtleneck sweater beneath a glossy, reddish brown leather jacket and jeans which were royalty compared to the other men in the bar who either sat there downing copious shots, or drunkenly counting their fingers. The bartender; a heavily built, thoroughly tattooed man with bizarre piercings and a shaved head glared at him as he polished a glass with a piece of mouldy cloth. As he approached the bar counter, the man in the leather jacket could clearly see that two of his fingers were missing from each of the bartenders huge, calloused hands. The stranger's cautious blue eyes eyed them uncomfortably.
It was quite often that Erik Lensherr found himself wandering into a pub at midnight. Charles Xavier was driving him nuts because of their many disagreements, which caused unexpected rows in the Xavier Mansion. Sometimes the arguments could become so heated that items would be accidentally damaged by flying metal spoons and other objects.
"What can I get ya?" The bartender asked in a unwelcoming gruff voice as Erik sat down on one of the blistered seats.
"I'll have one of your finest scotch." Decided Erik, earning him a glare from the tattooed man, "...if you would be so kind."
The physically large man would not let his eerie green eyes leave Erik's face, which left him no choice but to glare back ferociously. Their glaring contest was broken by a woman's smooth voice.
"You're not scaring him away, are you Spike? First one I've seen sober for weeks!" Her strong but posh British accent rang pleasantly in Erik's ears.
They both turned around to see a woman with a hood over her head. She lifted her hood with her gloved hands and shook her head a little. She was the exact definition of beautiful. Perfect pink lips, big blue eyes, blond curls, anyone would want that look. 'Spike' broke into a smile that graced his strange thin lips.
She walked gracefully up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed slightly and her bright blue eyes fell on the newcomer's icy blue ones. Their eyes met and she gave him a warm smile. She went to a table and took off her navy blue coat, revealing a black shirt with a relatively high neckline and black jeans with black high heeled boots. She was a very conservative woman. That's for sure. She shrugged off her violin case and rolled her shoulders. She took off her black leather gloves and stuffed them in her coat pocket. She slid into the seat next to mine and asked for a glass of red wine. The bartender, Spike, handed Erik his scotch.
Spike asked, "What'cha doin' here, Melissa?"
She shrugged and a bright smile spread across her pale face that perfectly complimented the sparkle in her bright blue orbs.
"Oh nothing much. The occasional troubles. Where better than expressing your emotions with music? Not only I enjoy it but the people around me enjoy it too."
Spike laughed and shook his head, "Always the thoughtful one eh? Haven't changed a bit since the last time you were here." Her bright smile faltered slightly but it was soon replaced with a dazzling one once again. Erik turned back to his scotch and took a sip of his drink. The bitter tang of burnt cork and a dash of leather washed over each of his taste buds. He hadn't had scotch for a while.
She elegantly took a sip from her glass and as she swirled the dark red liquid around, she directed her remark to Erik.
"It's not often that new people come in here."
Erik's corners of his lips turned up slightly in amusement. "Is that so?" He said in a rich English accent. She nodded slightly and answered the unspoken question, "Yes. Most people who come to Long Island or live in it don't tend to come to this Irish pub, because none of the people who work here are Irish and the service isn't marvellous unless you're a frequent customer, therefore there are no reviews of this place in tourist guides."
He nodded and muttered, "I figured." She laughed. Her laugh was like the ringing of bells in the distance and it brought pleasure to those who hear it. Her laughter faded away as Erik yearned to hear more of her laugh. She got up and walked to the table where she placed her violin. She opened the case and pulled it out carefully. She marvelled it for a moment before pulling it out. She then took it out and placed it elegantly on her left shoulder. She tightened the bow and placed it on the taut strings. She drew a deep breath and played the first note. People all around started to get up and dance. The one first note brought ecstasy to Erik's ears. She played a soft, yet romantic tune and everyone slowed to a slow dance. Erik gulped the last of his drink as she finished her song but put the recording on. She swayed slightly to the music, watching everyone dance. Erik slowly walked over. He held a hand out and bowed.
"Can I have the pleasure of a dance, madam?"
She smiled softly and took his hand. He pulled her up and slipped a hand around her slim waist. They softly swayed to the music as he twirled her. She laughed as she twirled elegantly. They soon progressed to a ballroom dance. He lifted her and she elegantly kicked a leg out and landed on one feet, twirling gracefully. They ended the dance with Erik dipping her. The crowd cheered even in their drunken state. She smiled and curtsied. He stared at her she packed her stuff up. He then asked her, "Where are you going? Surely someone is going to pick you up." She turned to him and said, "Nah. I always go home myself. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself." He nodded but stopped himself.
"Would it be too much to ask to have your phone number? I might need you one day." She smiled once again and wrote it down on a piece of paper.
Melissa Bright

She left it on the table and with a fleeting glance, before disappearing into the dark depths of the night. Erik smiled and pocketed the card. It never occurred to him that Melissa Bright was more than she seemed.

Fandom One Shots and ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora