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=Charlie Miller=
- Independence Day Resurgence -
A/N: I know this is not a very well known movie but I really liked the movie so yeah. Try watching it. It's cool. And if I cut some scenes out or change things around a little bit, its mainly for the one shots purpose. And this might be a two-part story. Anyways, enjoy!

"Elizabeth! Ma'am, this is Jake Morrison, here on General Adam's orders to ask you to examine something in the monitor room. Elizabeth?"
The said lady's body hitting the floor with a resounding thump and an annoyed groan assured Jake Morrison that she was awake. He sighed and stood by her door respectfully, awaiting her night, well more of morning, wrath. The door cracked open, a beam of light danced on the dark corridor and a lady stepped out of the dim room. She rubbed her crystal clear blue eyes, which were shining in the dark before she fully stepped out. Her blond curls was pulled back into a effective ponytail, slightly messy. Her blood red lips stretched back in a yawn. She turned around and looked at a waiting Jake. She walked up to him, her heels clicking. Even in less than a minute, she dressed quite decently. Her slender hand stretched back to put on her white coat and whispered, "What, in god's name compelled you to wake me up at this ungodly hour?" Jake rubbed his face and replied,"We apologise ma'am but we needed your expertise to have a closer look at something." She nodded and started walking to the control room. Jake hurried behind. She arrived at the doors and it opened, sensing her movement. She hurried inside.
Inside were the faces of many computers, tracking devices and monitors. General Adams swivelled in his chair to face her. She nodded curtly. General Adams turned around and said, "Hello Elizabeth. I really do apologise for waking you up this early but we really needed your expertise." She nodded again before sitting down on a chair. She glanced up at the screen while keeping an eye on the tracker monitor. On the screen, was the most bizarre thing she's ever seen. It was actually disgusting. These creatures that we were monitoring were making strangled sounds. She turned around and asked the General, "They're celebrating." Both Jake and the General were shocked at how fast she deciphered it. General Adams had a confused look on his face as he said, "Celebrating?" She nodded and pointed at the monitor. She said, "That day when you attacked the ship. It was no enemy. Mr David Leviston had told you. It was sent to warn us. Warn us about what's going to happen and you shot our only hope down. It was a rescue ship." There was utter silence. Finally Jake broke the silence when he said, "Warn us about what?" She sighed and said softly, "The world's end."
Jake and Elizabeth walked out of the monitor room and she ran a hand through her hair, before letting it down onto her shoulders in curls. The pair reached Elizabeth's room before Jake said, "I assume you haven't met my friend, Charlie Miller?"
She shook my head slowly and replied, "No. I haven't." Jake smiled at her and said, "You'll like him then. If you're free, how about you come to lunch with us?" She thought about it for a moment before she replied, "Sure. I just have to do something before I'll come down for lunch." Jake nodded and saluted his leader. She saluted back and walked into her room. She closed the curtains and sank onto her bed. Her eyes travelled to the ceiling, where she had gotten Jake to project stars and the universe onto my ceiling but sitting on the dresser was one memory that I didn't erase. A picture of myself with three boys and a girl with me. We were laughing, having a time of our life, until that day on 1999. Where I lost them. All of them. I remember that moment as clear as day.
Gunfire surrounded me, lights flashing around me.
"Captain, should we open fire or not!?"
The words spilled from my mouth and I made no intention to stop it.
"Give them hell."
The assault started, and it looked pretty good, from the outside. From the inside, we didn't anticipate.
The ship, filled with alien soldiers, each one better than us combined, returned fire. I saw them. The girl, my first best friend, Claudia, went down first. Her bravery and courage on being the first. The second to fall was Thomas. Blinded by anger, charged. Lachlan was next in line to fall. The class clown, never seen without a smile on his face, but too late to dodge, yet his time came too early. The last was Joshua. He made it as far to the close combat where he died, for loyalty, for the world. Saving my life. It happened in slow motion. Him getting shot and falling limp, eyes staring into the lifeless void.
"Elizabeth." The taser sounds, the cries of men, before they met their short end ringing in her ears, everything went numb...Elizabeth!"
She shook out of her memory state. She looked towards the door to see Dylan. She felt tears leaking down. He sighed and walked into her room. He took her into his arms and hugged Elizabeth. They stayed that way for a moment before she finally spoke, "We both know of the outcome of this war. We won't win it. We ran from the last one. We're trapped Dylan. There's no getting out of this one. We're trapped." Dylan pulled away and looked at her straight in the eye and said, "Doesn't mean we can't try. We're fighting not to win but because of our loved ones, our friends, our family. Lost or alive. I know they are there. In here." He pointed to her heart and smiled at her. With that, he started to leave but stopped in the doorway. He then said, "Morrison is looking for you." She nodded and replied softly, "Thank you." She then got up and freshened herself up for lunch.
Closing the door behind her, she walked out, the sounds of her heels clicking on the pristine floor echoing through the walls. Soon enough, she reached the cafeteria and saw Jake and another man, with his back to her. Jake saw Elizabeth and waved her over. She nodded and smiled and walked towards them. Jake stood up and so did the other man. He had a slight dorky yet cute look, with dark hair and eyes. His eyes froze at the sight of Elizabeth and she smiled at him politely and shook his hand. Jake caught sight of him and kicked him in the shin. He nodded and stuttered, "H-hello. My n-name is Charlie M-miller and it is my pleasure to meet you." She smiled and said, "Its a pleasure Charlie. I'm Elizabeth Rosemary." He nodded frantically and I looked up to see Dylan and General Adams standing at the entrance, looking at Elizabeth. She said, "I will be right back." Jake nodded and said, "Go for it. We'll be waiting. I'm having your apple." She laughed and got up and walked to the pair. Dylan nodded and said, "Look, we have a lead on the aliens. We need you in the monitor room. Follow General Adams. I need everyone back in their quarters." Elizabeth nodded at Dylan and looked towards General Adams. He nodded and walked forward. She looked back to see Charlie staring at her. She waved slightly at him before walking forwards.
As Jake and Charlie watched her leave with the two men, Charlie sank in his seat. Jake chuckled and shook his head before taking a bite of his sandwich. Charlie broke the silence, "Who was that? Please don't tell me she's your girlfriend." Jake replied, "My girlfriend is on Earth, idiot. Remember?" Charlie nodded and looked down before sighing. Jake chuckled. Charlie certainly looked like a love-struck idiot now.
Elizabeth walked down with Dylan as the General went to ask all officials to report to the control centre.
I saw the crowd of pilots and officers outside and I walked in with Lin. They looked to me and saluted me. I returned in kind. I went to the podium and spoke, feeling cameras flash and vieo cameras recording. My words were going to broadcast across the world. To anyone who had a TV, radio or any connection to the world.
"We all have lost something, or someone. We need to go out there and tell them that Earth is not theirs. It's ours. They have taken everything from us. Friends, family. We cannot not have our home taken away from us. I won't let them, raise your hand if in favour of returning fire."

Jake raised his hand and nodded at me. Charlie and Dylan followed suit. Lin smiled brightly at me and nodded and she said, "To Captain Elizabeth." Slowly, like a ripple, everyone raised their hands and chanted my name. Charlie nodded and said, "Let's go to war." Dylan turned around and announced, "It's the fourth of July. Let's show them some fireworks." The pilots, the bombers, the soldiers, cheered. I smiled at Jake and Charlie. They saluted me and I returned in kind.
We were going to save the world, no matter what the cause, because we are going to tell them that Earth is not for their taking. It's time we fight back. I walked with Jake and Charlie to our spacecrafts. Jake's girlfriend came running up to him so I walked away to give them some privacy. I swung my legs around the glass craft and perched on the edge of it. I saw families hugging, couples whispering farewells to each other. I smiled. I caught sight of Charlie and saw him talking to Lin. His adorable hair was flying around in the wind. I chuckled and looked down. The pilots were getting into their spacecrafts. I flipped into my ship and got myself comfortable in my seat. Just before my door closed, I saw Charlie salute at me. I would be leading the fleet in. I raised my head and spoke into my com.
"Alright, remember, pilots, distract and protect the bombers. Bombers, infiltrate and give her all you've got. Elizabeth out." My fingers flew across the panel and I took flight. So did the fleet. As we took off, the people on the runway applauded and cheered. I smiled and pulled on the accelerator. Let's go to war.

Part 2 on it's way.

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