Heaven and Hell

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= Jason Grace =
Heroes Of Olympus -

My name is Arya Olympia. Or Jackson. That's right. Percy Jackson's 'adopted' sister. But I'm not born the same way he was. Let's just say that Sally Jackson was not my mother. I was made by a ball of light and the combined forces of all the Gods. They each contributed to who I am now. I have sea green eyes and wicked water powers from Poseidon, god like features from Aphrodite, (thanks sooo much. *note the sarcasm*) courage from Ares, creativity from Hephaestus, intelligence from Athena, healing and music skills from Apollo, archery from Artemis, ability to channel power from sky to manupilate from Zeus and Hera helped create me.
  Poseidon chose the Jackson's to be my foster family because I looked so similar to them. Black hair, sea green eyes... Yep. Just like them. I go up to Olympus very often. Treat it like a trip to your grandparent's place. Except that they can kill, turn people insane, send them to hell and oh, are at least a thousand years old. Yeah. I totally live a different life. So technically, I'm not human.
When I arrived at Camp Half-Blood, every single pair of eyes fell on me. They scanned me. Assessing me. Criticising me. Don't even make me talk about their thoughts. Especially those of the opposite gender. Ugh. (Shudders). But from all the judgemental eyes, I only saw one pair. A pair of electric blue eyes that shocked me to the core. I know. I know. These stuff don't exist but really. I have no idea what just happened. His blonde hair was swept back and from the looks of it, very fit. He smiled a crooked smile. My heart skipped a beat. But you see, Aphrodite taught me to play hard to get. And to conceal your feelings. That's one thing, no two things that I have to thank her for. Mental note: Thank Aphrodite by giving her strawberry bath bombs or something. Make it up.  Anyway, back to blue eye dude. He was walking foward to me. My eyes widened slightly but remained mostly (I hope) cool. He smiled again and said, "Hey, my name is Jason. Jason Grace. What's yours?" I smiled dazzlingly and replied, "Arya. Arya Olympia. Pleasure." He was momentarily stunned from my gaze and coughed and put his hand out for me to shake. I shook it firmly and said, "Nice to meet you Jason. See you around!" With that, I turned around and walked to my adopted brother. He grinned and waved me over. I rolled my eyes but sauntered over. I felt a pair of eyes follow me and I smiled. Oh well. This is going to be fun.

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