Always there

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= Sherlock Holmes =
- Sherlock Holmes BBC -

As I inspected the body of the victim closely in an alley, I heard soft running footsteps and I looked up. John breathed a sigh of relief. My eyebrow creased in confusion as I saw a silhouette of a lady. The figure came into view. She had brown tumbling locks which reached to her shoulders and a tall, slim body. Her blue eyes sparkled. Her face seemed ageless and quite pale. She had a white doctors coat on, beneath it a very casual yet formal and fashionable outfit. She was absolutely ravishing. Her eyes held concern and approached John. He opened his arms and hugged her tightly. He stroked her hair as he pulled away. She smiled and said, "Nice to see you again brother." He grinned and said, "Me too, sis. Me too." She turned around and crouched next to the victim. Her once happy blue eyes turned somber. She stood up and took out her phone. She dialled a number really quickly and put the phone to her ear. She started to speak in fluent French. As she ended the call, I asked her, "Who are you?" She answered me without taking her eyes off the dead body, "We really don't have time for introductions but my name is Dr Alyssa Watson. How about you?" She said this in a perfect British accent. I answered, "John's sister? You don't know me?" She looked up. Her eyebrow raised as she looked at me. She cocked her head and said, "Mr Holmes?" I nodded and added, "Sherlock." She nodded curtly and walked briskly out of the alley.
There was a gunshot and my eyes widened. How could I have not noticed this? She took out a gun, hidden in her coat pocket and stated shooting. She flipped and kicked the first attacker. I glanced over to John and said, "What are we supposed to do?" He shrugged and said in reply, "Stay out of the way." I rose my eyebrows as she performed yet another flip. I asked again, this time more to myself, "How does she do that in heels?" John chuckled and shrugged but said, "She said that it makes a good frisbee." My eyes widened as I watched her finish the last one off. She grabbed her shoes and smooth ended her jacket. She flashed us a bright smile before adjusting her heels and smoothing her hair down. She peered from the corner and smiled. She yelled back, "All clear." John ran towards her and hugged her tightly. She bent down and grabbed a case. More importantly, a violin case. I smiled slightly and said, "You play?" She looked down at her violin case before slinging it on her shoulder and nodded. John said, "You're staying with us right?" She looked up in shock and replied, "I don't want to be a bother to you or Sherlock." I smiled slightly. John grabbed her bag and dragged her with him to our apartment. She laughed and ran with him. The two siblings. Teasing and laughing together. She had caught my undivided attention. Oh boy. John is NOT going to take this well.

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