City Electric headphones are expensive.

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I woke up pretty late the next day - rolling over I noticed the clock said 3. I groaned, sitting up and running my fingers through my hair. I bit my lip, thinking about the day previous. My dinner with Liam was not a date, and I refused to think of it as one.

I picked up my phone off it’s charger, and scrolled through my contacts. Considering the events of the night before, I figured I needed gossip time with my two best friends. I texted Katie and Arrow - even though he was a guy, he was the best listener I knew (Yes, even deaf people can be good listeners.)

I walked back into my bedroom, to see Katie climbing in the window. She shimmied in, and gave me a happy smile.

“Why do you insist on climbing in my window?” I signed, cocking an eyebrow.

“Well you see,” She said, coming over and sitting down on my bed, “Your dad’s car is still here. Which means, he hasn’t left to take Ellis to basketball practice, which means, he is still here, which means my coming to the door would make me have to see him - and if you see a person in their own house, you generally have to talk to them, and well... he’s Ellis.” She shrugged, picking up my moose pillow pet and cuddling with it.

Ellis was my little brother, who, for as long as we could remember was obsessed with Katie. It was cute when he was younger, but now that he was 13 it was just borderline creepy. He went as far as proclaiming his love to her in school - her school, at a pep rally - and no, my brother is not mentally disabled.

Shortly after Katie’s arrival, Arrow showed up, but unlike Katie, he used the door. They both sat down on my bed, me and Katie sitting up, Arrow laying down and making himself at home.

“So why are we here?” He asked, playing with a volley ball I had sitting next to my bed.

“Indie had a date last night,” Katie signed, an evil smile plastered on her face. I glared at her, at which she simply smiled more. I bit my lip, looking over at Arrow who had his eyebrow cocked.

“With who?” He looked rather confused.

Arrow and I went to school together, as apposed to Katie, who went to hearing school. Arrow knew damn well that I wasn’t attracted to a single one of the guys at our school. All their mom’s dressed them - that, or they were try hard gangbangers. How does a deaf guy even join a gang, don’t you kind of need to hear a gun being shot, or whatever?

“A hearing guy!” Katie signed, her face beaming with happiness. I slapped her in the arm - she over dramatically threw herself off the bed, rolling around on the floor as if she’d just been shot.

Arrow stared at me, his jaw dropping down to the floor, “You said you didn’t date hearing guys!” He signed, throwing his hands in the air.

I rolled my eyes, “I don’t! It wasn’t even a date! Besides, it sucked!” I groaned, rolling my eyes.

“Well what even happened?” Katie signed, crawling back onto the bed.

I bit my lip, thinking back to what happened the night previous. I picked up my hands, and told them both about everything that happened, reliving every event in my head. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

“Hearing people are so stupid,” Arrow signed, shrugging.

“Hey!” Katie said, sticking her tongue out at him. He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows, “I rest my case.” He shrugged.

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