The Grand Finale

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(Y/N) clung onto me as we drove down the Macau streets to the apartment. It was about 50° out, so when we reached a stoplight, we quickly took off our trench coats and shoved them in either satchel, all during a red light. The closer we got to the apartment building, the more I noticed (Y/N)'s grip started to loosen. She was starting to fall asleep. 

"Listen, baby, you gotta hold on tighter," I shouted back to her. I felt the grip tighten slightly, and (Y/N) nuzzled her head into my shoulder. "A little better."

It tightened again. I looked ahead, and saw 5 distinct buildings that I used to navigate through the city. I started heading to the one on the middle right. That meant 5 minutes to that building, then another 10 or so, depending on the traffic. I felt the grip start to loosen again. I knew 1 thing that could keep it permanently tight, but it'd scare the living shit out of (Y/N) and she'd probably be pissed until tomorrow evening. But, I was beginning to fear for her safety, I didn't want her to fall off, so I did it.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed, and swerved around the car in front of us. It worked, the grip tightened to the point where I could barely breathe. "Sorry, a car behind us was approaching us waaaay too fast," I lied.

Thank GOD she bought it. "That bitch driver."

I laughed a little. "Well, drivers at 1am are always bad."


After we got out of the main streets, the traffic went dead. There was almost no one on the streets, allowing me to speed up to about 70mph. I felt (Y/N) move her head so that it rested on my shoulder. Her helmet clinked on mine, and I felt one of her arms move itself to my shoulder, and it wrapped itself around my neck(not in a homicidal way). 

"You alright?" I asked her.

"Never better," she replied.

After another few minutes, the apartment building came into view. I grinned at the sight, and sped up a little bit. About a minute later, I pulled up into a parking space next to The Eye's cars, in the underground parking lot. "We're here," I told her.

"I see that."

She got off the motorcycle, then me. We took off our helmets, and I locked the wheels so that no one would steal the bike. It was a feature Will added when he got it made. (Y/N) looked exhausted, she was barely keeping her eyes open. "My God, I don't think I've ever seen you so tired," I told her.

She grinned, and nodded a little. 

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"You don't have to."

I shrugged, and carefully picked her up bridal style. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I carried her to the elevator. We got in, and I pressed the button for the top floor. As the elevator started ascending, I set (Y/N) down for a moment to find the key to the apartment. Once I found it, I picked her up again. She was barely awake, and I figured at any minute she'd pass out. Hell, I would've too if I only had 2 cups of coffee like she did. But I had 5, and I too was getting tired at that point.

Once the elevator reached the top floor, I walked through the hall to the short flight of stairs, on top of which was a single door; our terrace apartment. Once I was about 10 feet away from the stairs, I whispered to (Y/N) "Babe, I gotta set you down now. Just 1 flight of stairs and we're home free and you can go to bed."

She let go of my neck, and I carefully set her down. We started walking up the stairs, when we heard a voice behind us. "Hey, you're back!"

I turned around, and saw Danny right behind us. He was wearing a white t-shirt and blue plaid p.j. pants. "Yeah, we're back."

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