Help From the Inside

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A few short minutes after Jack arrived to the truck with Marritt and Chase, the truck took off onto the busy road back to the hotel. Once you arrived, Marritt and Chase carried the bags up to the terrace, where the plotting began. Since you, Marritt, and Jack weren't really "on board," one could say, Danny gladly did the planning and explaining, as you 3 listened, while Chase unpacked the bags because you asked nicely, and he didn't see you as the threat you really are and agreed(you heard him call you a petite flower).

"The lab is made out of 2 distinct layers, the security perimeter and the clean room. The stick we're looking for should be in this core," he explained, as he pointed at the center of a blueprint. "So we're gonna have to get underneath, extract it, and replace it with a decoy. We're about to get to the chip. The thing about the chip is it's very thin. But luckily it's similar in size and weight to a playing card, so we're gonna have to brush up on our cardistry."

"So we get in with Hannes Pike, he's the son of a South African gangster. He's RSVPed with what looks like a couple of members of his security detail, one of which is named Buffy, a doctor, and apparently he travels with a different bimbo every week. Hm, I wonder who gets to be the bimbo?" he asked sacrastically, as everyone looked at you.

"Yes, I know I'm the bimbo, shut up!" you snap. "Continue."

"Hey, guys," you heard Chase say from behind you. "Wasn't there more stuff?"

"We forgot a bag," Jack said.

"I'll get it," you volunteered. "If Mr. Li isn't there, I may be stuck talking to his grandma who doesn't speak English."

"Alright, and hurry up," Danny said. 

You and Chase went down to the car, which was running and ready for them. "I'll leave you to it, I'll wait here for you," Chase said, as he opened the front passenger's seat for you, as you climbed in.

The car cruised down the streets, until it pulled up in front of the magic store. You get out of the car, and walk into the magic shop. Li was behind the counter. 

"Hello again," he greeted.

"Hi, did we leave a bag here earlier?" you asked.

"Yes, you did, it's in back, I'll go get it."

"Thank you."

Li walked through a pair of doors to the back, and you walked around and looked at the shelves, when you heard a voice from behind you that sounded awfully familiar. "(Y/N)?"

You turned around, and saw a tall, black man with short hair standing behind you. You knew this man, and you haven't seen him since before your mom died. "Tom?!"

"Hey," Tom replied.

"Tom, hi!" you said, as you hugged him. "How are you?!"

Tom was your best friend back in San Francisco, until about a month before your mom died, when his dad got a job thousands of miles away, so he moved away, which held many problems for Tom, as he was gay, and there was no same-sex marriage.

"I'm good," he said. "What're you doing here?"

"Well, have you heard of the Four Horsemen?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well, I'm the new Horseman. We were caught during our comeback show, Jack was exposed, and we went down a tube in New York and we ended up in China."


"Hypnosis. Anyways Walter Mabry met us at Sands and told us if we didn't steal something for him he'd kill us, and if we did he'd give us a new life in China."

"Wait, I thought he was dead?"

"So did I. Anyways, now we have to steal this chip that belongs to Owen Case."

"The 1 that can break into any computer and cracks defense files?"

You were surprised at how much he knew. "Yeah."

"Ugh, I've dealt with that thing. I can't believe someone would do something so awful as to steal random people's personal files and sell then on the black market."

"Wait, how do you know all this?"

"I work at the Macau Science Center. I watched them deal with it. I work security in the clean room. I swear, I'd do anything to stop him."

This gave you a brilliant idea. But when you went to say something, Li stepped out and handed you the bag you left behind. You took it, thanked him, then turned to Tom. "Would you help us steal it?"


While (Y/N) was getting the bag, me, Marritt, and Danny were working on a few other things. The decoy, the other supplies we did have, and the card that would hold the chip. About half an hour after (Y/N) left, the elevator opened. She, Chase, and another man walked through, with the bag.

"Hey," Danny said, then he looked up. "Whose your boyfriend?"

"Okay, first off, this is Tom. Second off, he's gay," she explained, as I let out a silent sigh of relief. "Third, he was my best friend in California, until he moved. Fourth, he works at the Macau Science Center."

"That's where the stick is, right?" Marritt asked.

"Yeah. Fifth, he's willing to help us steal it."

"Just get the chip to me, and I'll pass it through the metal detector," Tom said.

"Great, so we have help from the inside," Danny said. 

"That's going to make our job a lot easier," I said.


"So, when going through, the metal detector, I'll leave my wallet in my jacket?" I asked. It was about 6 in the evening, and we were running through things 1 last time.

"Yes," Danny answered. "That way, Tom'll slip the stick into the wallet, and he'll return it to you to get it through the metal detector."

"When we're inside the clean room, Marritt'll have to make the hell of a distraction so that I can get my hair pin to Jack who can get the stick and replace it," (Y/N) said.

"I'll just make a fake allergic reaction," he said.

"That won't work," Tom said. "The only things in the clean room are sealants, metal, and an air filter with Thimerosal to kill bacteria."

"Wait, Thimerosal is a respiratory allergen," (Y/N) replied. "It's extremely uncommon, about 1 in 300,000 people have to deal with it, but we could make it so that he has the allergy and he can have a reaction."

"Good idea," Marritt said.

"Then, when Jack gets the stick, he'll replace it and get back where he was before anyone notices anything happened. And, if they think something weird happened and have us checked, we'll do what we need to do."

"If we get checked, get the card to Danny," Tom said. "And make sure I can see you give it to him, so that I can check you, and I'll palm the card, and put it in Jack's wallet when he's on his way out."

"Great," Danny said. "So, that should do it for now, we'll run through everything one more time in the morning."

The rest of us nodded. "Tom, thanks for your help, man," I said.

"Yeah, not a problem. Not at all. Well, I have to get going, me and my boyfriend have plans," he said.

"Alright. We'll see you in the morning," Marritt said. 

Tom left, and us 4 went separate ways to work individually on what needed to be worked on.

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