And The Trip Comes To An End

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4 hours of the flight has passed. You and Jack watched The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, and Mockingjay Part 1 was up next. Your trench coats were piled in a mound on one of the seats, and Jack's leather jacket was with them.

"Can I ask you something?" Jack asked, as he started loading up Mockingjay Part 1.

"Sure, go ahead."

"What was in that black bag that you packed?"

"Eh, it was just a dress that I bought. I couldn't decide whether to wear that or something else for the OCTA show, so I bought both. When I put it on on the day of the show, however, I realized it wouldn't work with one of the tricks I was going to do."

"Oh. So you have it?"

"I do."

"Could you put it on?"

"No! Not on a plane!"

"Pleeease?" Jack begged, giving you the puppy eyes he knew you had a very, very hard time saying no to. He'd used it against you before, and you've only said no once(which was when he was drunk on beer after living with him for 2 months, when he asked you to do to/receive things only sex slaves should have to encounter. He apologized hundreds of times after that, even though you said it was fine).

Damn it all.

"Ugh, fine," you said. You reached into the satchel, and pulled out the black shopping bag. "I'll be back in a minute."

"I'm counting."

"Of course you are," you muttered under your breath, as you walked into the back room, and closed the door behind you. You reached into the bag, and pulled out the dress. It was blue sequin, mid-thigh, had sleeves ended right below the elbow, and a long zipper in the back. You striped of your jeans and tank top, and slid the dress on. 

There was a knock at the door. "Movie's ready. 30 seconds," Jack's slightly muffled voice told you.

"Gimme a minute," you replied. You pulled the dress up the rest of the way, then pulled the zipper up, pulling your hair out of the way so that it wouldn't get caught in the zipper. 

You've done that before, it's not fun.

You walked over to the door, and opened it. Jack was waiting right outside, as if he were just about to open the door. He look surprised, as if you scared him by opening the door. He looked at you and smiled. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks," you said back.

"It reminds me of what Reign wore the night she-"

Your heart sunk. He was referring to the night Reign died. Now that you had thought about it, the picture you saw of her the previous night was her in that dress. "The night of the fire."

"Yeah," he sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. You didn't know."

You wrapped your arms around his waist, and you felt him wrap his arms around your neck, and rest his elbows on your shoulders.

"Hun, shoulder."

"Right," he said, moving his arms. "Sorry. Forgot."

"It's alright. Now, Mockingjay?"


You walked over to the couch, and sat down. Jack sat down next to you, and wrapped his arm around you. 

"You should keep it on, it looks good on you," Jack said.

Jack Wilder X Reader - Two of HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now