The Fool

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"I swear, I had the stick," Danny was explaining. "I hat it in my pocket, then Tom took it."

"Was there any way that Tom could've switched it?" Dylan asked.

"I don't think so, I mean 1) who keeps a fake computer chip on them?" you said. "And 2) even if he did, he can't bring any metal with him when he starts his shift, so it wouldn't have been possible."

"Right," Jack said. "Dylan is there any way-"

"No, I know I put the stick I took from you back in your coat pocket before I shoved you out," Dylan explained, as he pulled his tarot card, The Fool, out of his pocket, and onto the table.

"All while leaving us with a sack full of nada," Marritt said.

"Yeah, but they're going to come after us as if we do have something," Jack said.

"Guys, I agree someone got the better of us, somehow," You said. "But I don't agree that we have a sack full of nada, because we're all here, right? That's something. Listen, we all know that Walter isn't going to stop until he has the chip. And we're the only people who even know he's alive. We can't just walk away and hide, that's not what we do as the Horseman."

"There's a quote," Danny started, as he got up from sitting on the stairs, with the towel wrapped around him. "Actually by the guy that made me want to do this in the first place, it's 'a magician's greatest power lies forever shrouded in his empty fist, an-"

"And the very idea that he can convince the world that he is in fact carrying the thing of secret," Dylan finished.

"That's Lionel Shrike."

"Yeah," Dylan replied in a mesmerized tone.

"So are you saying that we should pretend to have something we don't?" Jack asked.

Dylan picked up the tarot card, and showed it to us. "What is Walter's biggest fear?"

"Being seen," Marritt answered.

"And what does the stick do?"

"It can un-encode anything, it can open up a back door to any computer on the planet," you answered.

"Including his," Jack added, finishing your thought.


"Right, so we make him think that not only that not only do we have the stick, but we're going to use it and to expose and destroy him," Danny said.

"We need a plan," Dylan said. "But we don't have time."

"We have each other," Danny said, looking at Marritt sitting on a stool and you and Jack standing next to each other on the other side of the room. "And, there are 5 of us."

"Yeah, but we also need supplies, and resources, and probably more than 5 people," you said.

"Right," Danny said quietly.

"Do you really think, you don't have help?" asked a voice. We looked from where the voice came from, and saw Li's grandmother, Bu Bu, walking down the stairs, with a tray of tea on it. Li was right behind her. 

"Oh, so she speaks English?" Danny asked, as the woman set the tray on the table. 

"Yeah, I could've told you that," you said. You got annoyed looks from Marritt and Danny.

Bu Bu grabbed The Fool card. "Do you know why the fool is the most powerful card in the tarot?" When no one answered, she said "Not because the person who draws him is a fool, he's a fool, because he is a clean slate. And therefore, can become anything. You were chosen, all of you." 

"Not because of who you are," Li said. "But because of who you may become."

"Wait, when you say chosen, are you part of the Eye?" Marritt asked.

"Yes," Bu Bu said. "We are part of the Eye. You've all doubted our existence, wondering if we were indeed watching. We are, we always have been."

"This is the best magic shop in the world," Danny said. "Do you know what she's saying?"

"Yes," Dylan said shaking the woman's hand. "We now have help and resources, thank you."

"So, who's in?" you asked, as you walked over to the table, and grabbed one of the cups of tea.

"Yeah, I'm in," Danny said, and he too, along with Dylan grabbed a cup.

"I'm in," Marritt said.

"Me too," Jack said, and they each grabbed a cup of tea.


The next day, after planning late into the night, you, Marritt, Danny, and Jack stood in front of the camera, to film a viral video for your plan. "You guys ready?" Dylan asked from the other side of the camera. It was about 9 o'clock in the morning on December 29th, but you were still exhausted.

"Yeah," you answered.

Dylan pressed play. 

"Not long ago we were tricked," Jack said. "I was exposed and brought back from the dead."

"So we thought it was only fitting to do the same thing to the person who did it to us," you added.

"Midnight. New Years Eve. London," Danny said. "We will be performing a series of shows that all connect to our big finale so pay close attention to each trick."

Dylan turned off the camera. "So how are we gonna get to London?" he asked.

You all stand in silence, before you come up with an idea. "I think I know a guy."

"Who?" Jack asked.

"Old high school friend, Jesse Dersum. He lives in London. I saved him from suicide and now he's 1 of the richest men on the planet. He found me in New York and he told me that if I ever needed anything, I could call him," you explained, grabbing your phone, which you had put in your fur coat pocket yesterday. You pulled up his number, and called him.

"C'mon answer," you muttered to yourself.

J: Hello?

Y: Jesse. It's me.

J: (Y/N)! What can I help you with?

Y: I'm in Macau, China right now. We need to get to London asap. Can you help us?

J: Who's "us"?

Y: Me, Marritt McKinney, Jack Wilder, Dylan Rhodes, Daniel Atlas.

J: Oh. Uh, yeah, I can have the private jet at the private airport at around 5 your time, I'll make sure the jet goes supersonic.

Y: You're a life saver, thank you.

J: Not a problem. Do you need a place to stay? Because you can stay with us at the mansion as long as you need to.

Y: Yes, please. I seriously can't thank you enough.

J: Neither can I. I'll see you about noon tomorrow, with the time change.

Y: Okay. Bye.

J: Bye.

You hung up the phone, and looked at the others. "We have a private jet we can borrow, and a mansion to stay at," you told them. 

"Awesome," Dylan said.

 "I'd say wait until we're in London to upload that," you said.


"The jet will be at the private airport in 8 hours, so get what you need and be ready to get the hell outta here in that time."

"Sounds like a solid plan," Jack said.

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