Exposing Day

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***Hey, guys! I'm glad you guys are liking the story thus far. The next time I will be updating this is next Thursday night or Friday morning. I'm going on vacation to Washington D.C. for the 4th of July, so I won't be able to upload. So here's the last chapter for now. Enjoy!***


That morning, me, Jack, and (Y/N) woke early at 7am to meet at the meeting place in the church basement before we were off to the launch party. We were to put on our off-stage costume over our onstage costume before the meeting, and we had to be at the meeting place by 8:15 so we could get everything ready before noon. 

I woke up around 7, and grabbed my clothes to get into the bathroom, but it appeared that (Y/N) beat me there, as the bathroom door was closed and locked, and Jack was still asleep(I could hear him snoring). So I went back into bedroom, and got changed.

When I emerged from my room about 10 minutes later, I walked into the kitchen, where (Y/N) was leaning on the counter-top, wearing the black caterer's uniform. "Morning," she greeted.

"Morning," I replied. "Is Jack up?"

She nodded. "I woke him up 5 minutes ago. He's in the bathroom right now."

"Cool. So are you ready?"

"Hell I dunno. A year ago it only seemed like it could only be a dream, but now I'm here."

"Feels weird, doesn't it?"


The bathroom door creaked open, and Jack walked into the kitchen, wearing the green security uniform he had put together. "Alright, let's do this," he mumbled, sounding extremely tired, and started walking for the door. Me and (Y/N) followed, and we left for the church. 

We got the church at around 8:10, and Dylan and Daniel were waiting for us. Daniel was wearing a catering suit similar to (Y/N)'s. But underneath were 2 full suits, and a janitor's uniform. Dylan was just wearing a suit, because he would be standing on the sidelines watching. Both of them were wearing similar watches to what me and Marritt got from (Y/N).

"Alright," Daniel started. "Let's get down to business."



At noon, we headed off to the OCTA building, one at a time. First me, then Marritt 5 minutes later, then Danny and (Y/N) 10 minutes later, and finally Dylan an hour later, so he'd seem like an FBI guest. I arrived at the OCTA building at 12:15, and I stood by the metal detectors, and showed my fake ID to the man in charge.

The man nodded, and I stood there, and listened to the earpiece that was in my ear, that was connected to the rest of the Horsemen's radios. "Atlas, go," I heard Dylan say.

"On it," Danny replied.

"Marritt, (Y/N), where you 2 at?"

"Just a few minutes away," (Y/N) replied.

And, just a few minutes later, I saw the Marritt and (Y/N) walk through the doors, and start walking to the VIP room, just as a few guests started entering the building, and towards the metal detectors.

About an hour later, we took our plan into action. "Oh, by the way, security memo," I told the other security guard near my door. "From Case himself; there'll be a few surprise guests, so follow his lead, ya?"

The man nodded, and I saw another security worker walking towards me, and we switched places, and I started walking to the control room. "I'm headed to the control room," I said into the radio.

"Thanks, Jack," Dylan replied. "Atlas, go."

"I can't," Danny replied.

"Why? What's the problem?"

"Too many people."

"Owen's arriving now, go!"


I kept walking to the control room a few levels down, and once I was the floor above the control room, I saw 2 security guards carrying a man away, who was saying "I need to call my boss it's my right!"

"Whoa, whoa," I stopped the trio. "What's the issue?"

"I wanna call my boss!" the man whined. 

"Hey, let him call his boss, it's his right," I told them, as I slipped a banana I took at security into his hand, and walked away. 

I watched him see the banana, and get carried away by the security, and grinned. "Atlas, Stooge has left the building," I told Atlas through the radio.

"Alright, the circuit board is ours, I am moving backstage."

"Alright," Dylan said. "(Y/N), show these guys what you can do."

"Yes, sir," she replied.

"Marritt, Case'll be there any minute."

"Got it," Marritt said.

I walked to backstage, but quickly stopped in front of the VIP section, where (Y/N) was putting on a show. Her sleeve had caught fire, and the fire wouldn't go out. But I knew that she had a special layer on the coat that would be the only thing burning, so her clothes wouldn't burn.

I waited for Marritt to reappear, and when he did 2 minutes later, I walked to backstage, where Danny was waiting. I was followed by Marritt and (Y/N). I looked back at them, and they were throwing away their catering suits. Marritt was wearing a black pinstripe suit and a black hat(like always), and (Y/N) was wearing a black leather jacket, a gold sequin top, black pants, and black shoes, along with the necklace me and Marritt got her. She was pulling her hair out of the bun it was in during catering.

She stood next to me. "Hey," she told me.

I grinned. "I'm actually nervous, I'm not even going onstage."

She laughed. "It should all be fine."

I nodded, and looked out at the crowd. Most of them were reporters, but one of them most definitely wasn't. He was wearing a dark green dress shirt and black pants. "Uh, (Y/N), back row, green shirt."

She looked. "You've gotta be kidding me. What's Brent doing here?"

"Did he say anything about coming to this when you 2 were still together?"

"I can't remember."

"What's the issue?" Dylan asked through the radio.

"My abusive ex is here. Back row, green shirt," (Y/N) explained.

"I'll keep an eye on him for you."

"Thank you."

The lights dimmed, and a woman got on stage, and started introducing Owen Case. Marritt started talking through the microphone to Owen, and he repeated what Marritt said.

"Good morning, Octalights," Case introduced. "Now I've made the claim, that OCTA 8 is pure magic. You know, the truth is, that's just one of the things I say. When in fact, I mean something else."

At this phrase, Marritt, Danny, and (Y/N) left to their positions, and I gathered with the rest of the security guards.

"Well, to fill in on some of my, fabulous lies," Case continued. "And to perform some of the most dazzling feats of magics you have ever seen, the world's greatest magicians," the crowd started going nuts, and I watched Brent to see his reaction when he saw his ex-girlfriend up on stage doing the one thing he tried to prevent her from doing. "Here to expose me for what I truly am. Ladies and gentleman, here, are, The Horsemen."

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