Sleeping Arrangements

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The gate to the mansion opened, and the cars drove through. You looked out the window, as the cars drove down the long driveway to the mansion. "Every time I come here it takes my breath away," you told Jesse.

"Yeah, same here," he said. "Oh, some of the building's getting remodeled, so."

"Does that affect our sleeping arrangements?" Jack asked.

"Sadly, yes. All of the bedrooms but 6 are under remodeling," Jesse explained. "Oh, and Mariah's out of town, she's going home for a little while before the baby comes. I'm guessing all of you need clothes."

"Yes! Please!" you say. 

"Excellent, I'll get some clothes set aside for you."

"Thanks, Jesse."

"Anytime, oh, here," he reached back to hand you a debit card. "That's the-"

"Yup. I know what it is."

The cars pulled up in front of the front doors, which were on the far left side of the building, and the driver hopped out, and opened the door for you and Jack. You got out, and met up with the others. 

"How many people work here?" Marritt asked.

Jesse shrugged. "Other than the 2 drivers, none, other than a few maids that come once a week that clean what needs to be cleaned."

"Wasn't expecting that," Jack muttered under his breath. 

You grinned.

"Did the driver tell you about the remodeling?" Jesse asked Marritt, Danny, and Dylan.

They nodded, and the driver gave each of them their bags, and your driver did the same.

"2 of you might have to share a bed."

"I can share," you volunteer. "I'm the smallest, and I sleep normal."

"I snore," Marritt said.

"We know," you and Jack said simultaneously. "I swear we don't plan this!" Jack said.

"Is it that loud?"

"Sometimes, yes."

Danny laughed. "I've been known to push people off the bed."

"Oh, the poor whores that got pushed," you said. The others laughed.

"I kick," Dylan said.

You turned to Jack. "Looks like it's you and me then."


The 6 of you walked into the living room. Jesse then led you through the mansion to the further right side of the mansion, to the courtyard and bedrooms. The courtyard was about the size of half a basketball court, with a small pond and some dead flowers. There was a stairwell to upstairs and the bedrooms. "Your 4 bedrooms are up there," Jesse pointed to the rooms opposite the stairs. "There are 2 bathrooms, 1 up there," Jesse pointed. "And 1 right next to the stairs down here. I'm guessing you all need to shower. If you need spare clothes, the closet is right next to my bedroom, the closet has a black door. When you're done, I'll be in the living room with tea." 

You all parted to separate bedrooms, but while doing so, you mouthed to Danny If you planned this I swear to God I'll kill you, to which he laughed. You and Jack took the far end bedroom. The bedroom was themed with the color black. Black sheets, black carpet, black dresser, but white walls. You sat down on the bed, and watched Jack set his bag on the dresser. He then sat next to you. "I didn't know you were an emo in high school," he said. 

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