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5 o'clock rolled around, and we waited outside of the runway. Dylan was talking to Danny and Marritt, while (Y/N) was texting Jesse. The sun was starting to set, giving her skin a soft yellow glow. I watched her, as some of her hair that fell out of her ponytail was being blown in front of her face with the breeze, while listening to music. It must've been good music, because she was marking the time with her foot, and humming along.

I elbowed her in the upper arm. She paused her music, and took out one earbud. "Wassup?" she asked.

"2 questions, 1) what're listening to?"

"Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco. And 2?"

"Is that the plane?" I pointed at a plane that was descending onto the runway.

"Ah, yes, that would be," she said, and she turned off the phone and wrapped the earbuds around it. 

The plane touched down, and slowed to a stop in front of us. The door opened, and the pilot walked out. 

(Y/N) approached the man. "Riley, how nice to see you again."

"Hello, (Y/N)," Riley said, and he stepped out of the way for us so we could get on the plane.

The interior was themed with black and white. There was a table with 2 black leather seats at the back of the cabin, and a white leather couch with a black leather seat on each side, all facing a flat-screen TV. Then there was a short hallway, with a bathroom, and another door across from it. There was a black barrier next to the TV, concealing another single-person seat and table(I'm pretty sure. I sat on the far end of the couch, with (Y/N) sitting next to me on the couch, and Marritt sitting on the black chair next to me. Danny sat next to (Y/N), and Dylan sat on the other chair. 


7 hours had past since the plane took off. We had watched the original Star Wars Trilogy, and ate 3 pepperoni pizzas. Well, Me, Marritt, Danny, and Dylan ate 2, (Y/N) ate 1 all by herself. In all the time I've known her, she's never failed to eat more than me and Marritt combined. She was a hungry person, and for some reason I've found it to be the funniest thing.It was about midnight(Macau time), and we turned off the TV to go to sleep.

~YOUR P.O.V.~ 

You waited for everyone to fall asleep, and you stood up, and walked over to the hallway, and opened the door, to reveal another room. This room had a wider couch than in the other room, a TV, a laptop, a few chairs, and sound-proof walls, along with a sky-light above the couch. You sat at 1 of the chairs with the laptop, and went online. You checked your social media, to find that your Twitter and Instagram each had over a million followers. You posted on each. On Twitter, you wrote Get ready for a show you'll never forget. You grabbed your phone, and opened the door. Using the light from the cabin, you were able to take a decent picture of the sleeping Horsemen, and posted it on Instagram, with the caption My sleeping Horsemen...I love them to death, I really do.

You then checked the news, and while you were doing that, you heard the door to the room close. You looked up, and saw Danny looking at you. "Hey," you said.


"What's up?" 

"I woke up, and you weren't there," he said, walking up to you, and standing in front of the laptop.

"Oh. Hey, I'm sorry about yelling at you the other night."

"No, it's fine, you really put me in my place."

"Still, I could've been a little nicer about it, but-"

"I get it. I'm going back to bed. Good night."

"Good night," you answered as you stood up to give him a hug. He was surprised at first, but then returned the hug, before letting go and returning back to the living space.


At about 2am, I woke up, unable to sleep. I looked over to where (Y/N) is, but she was not there. I looked over to the bathroom, but the door was open. The door across from it was still closed, but an extremely dim blue light was shining from the side of the door, where the door wasn't closed all the way. Quietly, I got up, and went to the door. I opened it, walked through, and closed it all the way behind me. (Y/N) was laying on her back on a wide, almost futon-like couch, looking through a sky-light, with her feet facing me. The lights were off, and the light was coming from the stars and the moon. I walked up to her. "Is this seat taken?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No."

I laid down next to her, and wrapped my arm around her neck. "So this is what this door leads to."


"You sound tired, Baby Girl."

"Really Spade? I had no idea."

Me and (Y/N) had developed nicknames for each other. We agreed that if she called me "Spade," I'd get to call her "Baby Girl." Tom told me that's what he and her brother called her back in high school, and she absolutely hates it. "Spade" came from a card trick we practiced together, and the first card I pulled was a Jack of Spades, so she called me Spade, and I hate it just as much as she hates "Baby Girl."

"Wow, you really must be tired. You didn't even mind that I called you-"

"Yeah, I know. And yes, I do mind, but I'm too tired to care."

"Aw," I said. "You're adorable."

"Mhm," she answered, smiling. I stared at her.God her smile is so beautiful. She's an all-around beautiful woman. 

She caught me staring. "What?!"

"Nothing," I answered, looking away. "I just think you've got the best smile."

"No I don't. Your's is better and you know it."

I laughed a little. "Oh come on, don't be so hard on yourself. You're probably 1 of the most beautiful women I've ever met."

"If only it were true."

"Please tell me that Brent didn't have it drilled into your head that you're not good looking, 'cause if so, I'm gonna kill that bitch."

"He didn't."

I studied her face for a second. I saw a slight wetness in her eye develop. "You're lying. You've got the lying face going on."

She didn't say anything.

"Oh my God," I said, realizing Brent wasn't the only 1 who was apart of this. "Your parents, too?"

She nodded.

I wiped the tear that came out of her right eye. "Well, I don't care what I have to do, I will make sure that by the day you die, you will know that you are beautiful."

She turned her head towards me, and smiled a little. She rested her hand on my chest, and dug her head into my side, where she fell asleep a few very short minutes later. Once she was, I used my free hand to carefully pull down her sleeve. Danny told me about how her parents burned her with cigarettes, but I refused to believe it unless I saw it. And sure enough, there were multiple circular scars on her arm. I placed the hand on her cheek, and kissed her on the forehead, before falling asleep myself.

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