The Oldest Magic Shop in the World

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"What the hell were you thinking?!?!" (Y/N) demanded, as we walked down the busy Macau street on our way to the magic shop, with Chase a few feet ahead of us. "Agreeing to this without thinking of what the rest of us wanted?!?!"

"It's what's best for us," Danny asked. 

"How do we even know we can trust this Walter guy? I don't trust him."

"Neither do I."

"So you agreed to steal something for a narcissistic little man-boy with out trusting him?" Marritt asked. "I don't like it, but what I like less is you deciding for us."

"Yeah, you like that we're the laughing stocks of the magic world and the fugitives of the actual world? Besides, I think what you 3 forget is that The Eye has a history in Macau. So even if we can't trust Walter, we can trust The Eye," he explained. "If we can get the stick to them they can clear our names and we can get the hell out of here."

"That is a bad plan, man," (Y/N) replied, only to have Danny ignore her.

"I think this is what Dylan meant by working together as a single organism," I said.

"Yeah? Well that is a lie that he tells himself, and us," Danny replied.

We arrived to the magic shop, and opened the door. A bell rung as we walked through. The store was dimly lit, with stands and shelves full of props and gear. I looked around at the boxes and packages for a few moments, then caught up with the others. I probably looked like a kid in a candy store, but I didn't really care. I stood between Marritt and (Y/N), as Danny went to go order our supplies.

There were 2 people behind the counter, one was a younger man, maybe in his mid 20s like me and (Y/N) who had earbuds in, the other was a very old woman, probably around 70 who was watching TV. Danny tried getting their attention by reading off what we needed, but to no success. After a few seconds, the older woman noticed Danny, and told the other man to go help him. The man introduced himself as Li, and started trying to sell us these fake thumbs that flashed red. Danny turned the man down politely, and started ordering what we needed. The older woman walked up behind Li, and listened in. When Danny said we needed it all in plastic, the woman spoke up, but in Mandarin, leaving us clueless to what she said.

"My grandmother wants to know why plastic because plastic is shipped," Li explained.

"We're going through a very sensitive metal detector," he started explaining to the woman, as if she were a kindergartner. 

She said something back, and he looked at Li for interpretation. "She says just because you slow your speech, it doesn't mean she can suddenly understand English," Li answered to the puzzled look on his face.

"Alright, I didn't want to do this this early, but," (Y/N) said to herself quietly, before approaching the 3 of them. She took the notebook with the list of supplies we needed from Danny, and started talking to the woman in Mandarin, and she seemed to understand what she was saying. They talked to each other for a few minutes, before (Y/N) turned around to us and said "We have our supplies. They'll be ready for us 10 minutes after our purchase."

"You speak Mandarin?" I asked.  

She nodded, and spoke a few words of Mandarin to us, and Li and his grandmother laughed.

"What'd she say?" Danny asked them.

"If I could speak Mandarin, I would tell you," Li translated.

"What was that last word you said, that was on it's own?"

"It's a type of Chinese slang, I can't really explain it," Li replied.


That last part was a lie. That last word you said was "bastards."


Marritt and Chase left to go get a drink at a nearby bar, which was next door, as the rest of us waited around the store until our stuff was ready. I had taken an interest into something called Reverse Rain, which was in a wooden display case, and water in the form of droplets were floating upwards. Danny was on the phone, contacting The Eye(which I opposed of, saying Dylan would disapprove of it, but Danny ignored me), and (Y/N) was talking Li's grandmother.

Danny walked over to me. "So there's a market down the street, I'm meeting a man in a blue hat, I'll give him the stick, and he'll contact the right people and get us home," he told me. "The supplies are all ready, me and (Y/N) will carry those back to the truck and you go get Marritt and Chase so we can get back to the hotel."

"Okay," I answered, as I walked out of the store to the bar that was down the street.

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