The Story of Reign

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I've tried to forget about the alley before, but to no success. It wasn't something that I could easily forget, though. I can still see how her eyes were filled with fear, and how helpless she was. It's an image I wish I could forget, but I'm smart enough to know that I never will. I had watched a beautiful woman get choked to death. Even if Brent was now behind bars, I couldn't help but think about his chances of being proven innocent due to a lack of evidence. He'd come after us, and he wouldn't stop until we were both dead.

I watched her sleep, while softly running my fingers through her hair. After about half an hour, I fell asleep, as I held (Y/N) close to me lovingly, a feeling I hadn't felt in years. Sure, I had some one-night stands throughout the years, but none of them were able to make me feel like I did at that moment. 

She was my first girlfriend in 8 years. 

My last girlfriend, who I had been with for 2 years, died right in front of me, in a fire. We were running to the nearest exit, when the ceiling fell in between us, and when I tried to get her through an opening, the ceiling collapsed over her, crushing her. A firefighter pulled me out of the fire, and another pulled her dead body out. I didn't leave her side, until she was buried, anyways. Every year on the anniversary of her death, which is on February 14th, I'd go to her grave and lay flowers.

Her name was Reign. She was about an inch shorter than me, blonde, beautiful, but we were on opposite sides of the social scale in high school and in her first year of college. Everyone loved her, most popular kid in the school, and I was, according to her best friend, "the hot rule-breaker", despite getting good grades. We had gone to have dinner for Valentine's Day, and the kitchen caught fire, and it spread through the restaurant. It was an accident, but I never forgave myself. We both went to the same college, and every time I went to class, I would be reminded of her, so I dropped out, and became what I am now.

I don't want to lose (Y/N) too. Not to her ex.


I woke hours later. I felt 2 small, delicate arms, tightly wrapped around my waist, as (Y/N)'s warm breath traveled down my shirt. We didn't originally fall asleep this way. She must've adjusted in the middle of the night. The sun wasn't out yet. I looked down at my girl. She was awake. She must've felt me stir, because she told me "We stopped to refuel about 2 hours ago. We'll land in Macau in about an hour and a half."

"Mm," I hummed, which was to answer as okay, and I got up to put on my jacket. 

(Y/N) got up, and when I turned around, she was right behind me. "You okay?" she asked me, as she stroked the left side of my head. 

"I'm fine," I replied, which was a lie. 

Sadly, she picked up on that. "You're lying. What's going on?" I didn't say anything at first, but she must've seen a wetness in my eye, because she wrapped 1 arm around my waist, and wrapped the other around my neck. She then said "Whatever it is, you can trust me. I won't tell anyone. I promise."

I wrapped my arms around her. As I held back tears, I told her everything. About Reign, about the fire, about how I couldn't lose her too. She understood, and she held me, as tears fell down my face and onto her shoulder. Yup, a grown-ass man crying into a girl who was 3 years younger than me. Now you've probably read it all. I'll continue. 

We sat down on the edge of the couch, and stayed there in each other's arms, for about 15 minutes, maybe a little less, until the tears stopped. "Thank you," I told her quietly.

"Mhm," she answered, as she pulled away, and moved her hands to my cheeks, smiling flirtatiously. I pulled her towards me, and kissed her, and a soft moan escaped her lips. At first it was very gentle, but the longer it lasted, the harsher it got. We separated after a few minutes, to catch a breather. She placed her forehead on mine, and ran her fingers through my hair. She kissed my bottom lip lightly. "C'mon, I think the others are up."


Once the plane landed, we all got out of the plane, and we entered the black truck, with me, (Y/N), and Marritt in the front row, and Danny and Dylan were in the back. We drove down the road, and I realized how familiar it was. 

"Isn't this the way to the Science Center?" I asked (Y/N).

She nodded. "I think so."

I wondered why we were going there, of all places. And I really didn't want to be recognized by that Allen guy or whatever. The car pulled up in front of 1 of the 3 buildings, and we exited the car. Me and (Y/N) left through the same door, hand in hand, as we were greeted by Li. 

"Welcome," he said.

We entered the building, where Bu Bu was waiting for us. "Welcome," she told up. "I am proud of you. Come, I have much to show you."

Me, (Y/N), Marritt, and Danny followed her, but Dylan entered another room. We walked down a set of stairs, and into a white room. There were computers, shelves, and tables that were full of models and books. I looked at some of the cork boards, that had been covered in pictures.

We looked around for awhile. There were models of the theaters we'd performed at in the past, books about Logistics and Vehicles, and files on each of us. I pulled out my file, and read the contents. It had normal stuff you'd find on a file, like gender and birth date, but it also contained reasons for me to be a Horseman. I immediately pulled (Y/N)'s folder out, and read it. Her birthday was (B/D), and they had written something about the Subway trick from DC a few years ago. I put it back, and kept looking around. I walked over to (Y/N), and wrapped my arms around her from behind, and read the papers she was looking through. 

She took 1 of her hands, and gripped my arm with it. I kissed her on the cheek, as we read. She looked up, and elbowed me in the gut.

"Ow! What the fu-"

"Look!" she hissed at me, nodding towards the other side of the table. I used my arm that wasn't being held to get Danny and Marritt's attention. They looked, and their jaws dropped.

"Now I know why you look so familiar," Mr. Scott-Frank said, holding a cup of tea, looking at us with a smug look on his face. "You're the Horsemen." He walked away.

"My God," (Y/N) muttered.

"I know," I replied.

"Mind. Blown."

I laughed.

We went back upstairs, to the room Dylan walked into. We stopped outside the door to listen. It turns out that his father and Thaddeus Bradley were partners, and Thaddeus explained to Dylan how he missed Lionel, how they never thought it'd go so wrong, everything. That's when we walked through the doorway. 

"Hi, uh," Danny introduced. "We have some questions we'd like answered."

"And by some we mean a million," Marritt added.

Thaddeus laughed a little, and walked away. "Well, good luck with that."

"What?! No!" (Y/N) called. "I need closure, damn you!"

"Oh, by the way, pay no attention to the curtain," Thaddeus added, pointing to a green curtain in the corner of the room. 

We all walked towards the curtain, and pulled it back to reveal a door. Dylan opened it, and we all walked through, and down the stairs to a lower level.




And, also, Dave Franco's in it and it always looks like he needs a hug.

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