The Almost Death of Dylan Shrike

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We ran down the roofs, following the truck. "Why'd you give me your shoes?" Marritt asked (Y/N).

"Because I can't run in heels," she replied, as we ran down some stairs to a pathway across the road. We kept running across the rooftops, until the roofs ended near the water. But the truck kept going down the busy street. 

"What're we gonna do?" Danny asked. "We can't follow them anymore, where are they going?"

We all thought for a moment. "I think they're going to the docks, about half a mile down the street," (Y/N) said. "Its the only thing down that way worth while, other than a gas station and a bar, then there's just a hundred miles of open road. I think going to try to drown Dylan in his dad's safe."

"Oh God," I exclaimed. "Hang on, Dylan. We're coming."

"Are we gonna stand around or are we gonna follow them?" Danny asked.


We ran down the stairs back to the street, and followed the truck and the suburbans on the busy sidewalk, before sure enough, they pulled into the docks. We stopped, and ducked behind a wall, and watched as they put the safe on a large ship using a large crane, and 2 men left the middle suburban, each holding 1 of Dylan's shoulders. We approached a smaller dock, which was about 10 feet long and 10 feet wide a few feet from the boat, which would hide us with a few crates. We watched Walter beat Dylan, and I occasionally glanced at everyone else to see their reactions, which were all a mixture of horror and anger. Then I watched the 2 men try to shove him into the safe. 

"Oh my God," I heard (Y/N) whisper in horror. I lightly stroked her back with my left hand for a few seconds. Then, the safe was lifted into the air, and dropped into the water.

Danny started taking his shoes and jacket off. "What're you doing?" Marritt asked.

"I'm going after him," Danny replied. 

"I thought you didn't care about him?" I pointed out.

"I just realized I've been overreacting," he replied. "He's still our leader and I've been kind of an ass toward him. It's the least I could do."

"Who are you and what have you done with J. Daniel Atlas?" Marritt asked. 

Just as Danny was about to jump into the water, (Y/N) stopped him. "Wait! Look," she whispered. We looked over towards where she was looking. "It's Walter."

"And Mr. Tressler," I said.

"It makes sense now."

"What does?" Danny asked.

(Y/N) looked at us. "Walter must be Arthur's son. Dylan's parents were insured by Tressler Insurance when his dad died. His mom wasn't given compensation. So when Dylan had you take his money, he knew it was for revenge. And Walter wanted to get the stick so he could put all the money we stole back in his and his father's bank accounts. And they think that Dylan had the stick, so when Dylan didn't have it, they threw him into the ocean, and now he's probably after us."

"Should I-" Danny started.

"Yeah, go!" she commanded.

Danny dove into the water, and started swimming to where the safe dropped. After about a minute, he resurfaced for air, shook his head at us, then dove back down. 

My heart started pounding. I knew Dylan couldn't hold his breath that long, and there is no way out of the safe that I knew of. "(Y/N), Dylan might need your coat when he gets out of the water, he'll probably be freezing," I told her. 

She nodded. "Okay," she said quietly, as she took off the black fur coat. "Marritt, I'll have my shoes now, thanks."

Marritt handed her the black shoes, and she slipped them on her feet. 

We watched the water, as Danny came up for another breath. "Found the safe!" he shouted to us, before quickly diving back underwater. We waited another minute or so, before Danny resurfaced at the dock, with Dylan's arm wrapped around his neck, and he set him down on the wood.

"Dylan!" we all exclaimed, as Danny started pushing on Dylan's chest in pulses. 

"C'mon, Dylan, breathe!" I told him.

"Dylan?" (Y/N) asked. "You can do it, man. Come on!"

After a few seconds of CPR, water erupted from Dylan's mouth. He propped himself on 1 elbow, coughing and breathing heavily. He looked up, and as soon as he saw our faces of concern, he smiled.

We all sighed in relief, as (Y/N) placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling widely. "You're okay," she said quietly. 

"Jesus," I said. "You scared the hell out of us, man."

"You alright bro?" Marritt asked.

Dylan looked at Danny. "Thank you," he panted.

"No, it's the least I could do," Danny replied.

"No, there's a hell of a lot less you could've done," Dylan replied, still panting, as he then attempted to sit up, and got help from Danny and (Y/N).

"No, that was not an option," (Y/N) said.

"You took a bullet for us, it was used," Marritt said.

"You really did, man," I added.

Dylan looked at Danny again. "Thanks for pulling me out, seriously."

"You got yourself out. Are you cold? Because if so, I have a hideous fur coat that's actually really warm if you need it," (Y/N) said, and held out the coat for him. 

Dylan laughed, and took it from her. "Thanks," he said, as he draped it over his shoulders.

I grinned, and I pulled the stick out from Danny's jacket, and handed it to Danny. A examined the clear piece of plastic, when I noticed something. It was a red strip, that was starting to peel off. "Hey, guys, something's not right," I said, as I peeled the sticker off. I showed everyone else. "It's fake."

"What?" Marritt asked. "How?"

"I think we need to talk about this somewhere else," Danny said. "We don't want Walter to come back looking for us."

"Where'll we go?" Dylan asked, as he started to stand up. We all mimicked the action.

"How about we ask the owners of the magic store?" (Y/N) asked. "They should be open right now, it closes at 7, it's almost 6:30."

"Let's give it a try," Dylan said.


The 5 of you walked down the streets to the small magic store. On the sidewalks, you got weird looks, but you ignored them. Once you got there, you opened the door, and held it open for the other 4 to enter. The old Chinese woman was behind the counter, watching a movie. She noticed you walk in, and she greeted you.

"Welcome back," she said in Mandarin. "How can I help you?"

You approached the woman. "I'm sorry for bursting in on you this late," you said in Mandarin. "But we wouldn't be here if we didn't have any other choice. We need a place to stay for a day or so. The people we've been staying with are trying to kill us."

She looked at the 4 standing behind you. "Follow me," she said in her native language. 

You looked at behind you. "Guys, we've got a place," you told them, and started following the woman. She led you 5 through the back room, and down a set of stairs. 

"Here you go," she said, and she went back upstairs. The room was about the size of Mabry's living room, with a table in the middle and a few shelves. She came back down with a couple of large towels for Dylan and Danny.

"How could this have happened?" you asked.

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