What You Don't Know

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While Jack worked on throwing cards behind his back, Marritt worked on throwing cards in general, and Danny worked on making some 'tools', you borrowed a computer, and retired to your bedroom. You hacked into Hannes Pike's email, and did some research on his bimbo. She was incredibly smart, and when you hacked into her email, you discovered that she emailed the lead officer of the science center asking about some of it's research. You knew you'd have to read up on your physics.

You started reading online articles. After about 2 hours(which was at about 9 o'clock), and about 6 different physics articles, there was a knock at your door. You looked up, and saw Mabry standing at your door. 

"Can I help you?" you asked him.

"I was actually wondering if I could help you," he explained. You were confused, and listened as he continued. "You see, I'm guessing you're going to need another outfit, something nicer than what you're wearing now, so I'd like to show you a closet of women's clothes I have."

You shrugged. "Sure," you said, as you got up, and followed him.

Mabry took you to a closet, that held women's clothes. It was small, about 15' by 15', with a large rack of dresses, 2 shelves of shoes, a rack of coats, a cabinet of accessories, a mahogany dresser, and a large makeup desk.

"Can I ask?" you asked.

"Where I got all of these? Well, these are my ex-girlfriend's, she left them here when we broke up. So I had all of the clothes washed, and the makeup replaced in case a girl ever came over and she'd be staying for a long period of time." 

"Weird but okay. Thank you," you told him. He nodded, and walked away. You walked through the closet, and looked through the dresses. After going through the rainbow selection of floor length, strapless, sleeveless, and the ones that would make you look like a prostitute, you found a good one that would work good for you, a long sleeved, knee length black dress, with a v-neck and a low lacy back. You pull the hanger off the rack, and put it on a hook next to the makeup desk. Next, you go through the coats. There were coats of all kind; fur coats, leather jackets, denim jackets, and trench coats. A black, mid-thigh length, fur coat caught your eye, and you picked it out, and went to the black dress, and made sure they'd look good together, which they did. You put it on the hook across from the dress. You then went to the shoes. You knew you were not a heels type of person. Yes, you could do short heels and any wedge, but you couldn't make it 1 step in stilettos or anything with skinny heels. You picked out a pair of simple, black  wedges, and put them near the chair at the desk.

You walked outside again, closing the closet door behind you, and walked up the staircase right outside of the closet. Upstairs, there were the bedrooms and a bathroom, along with a small sitting room, with a deck just outside. You went outside, and leaned on the railing, and looked down at the city. After a few minutes, the door to back inside opened, and Danny walked through.

"Hey, what've you been up to?" he asked.

You shrugged. "I was doing some research on the bimbo, studying some physics, and got an outfit for tomorrow."

He nodded. "Cool. Me, Marritt, and Walter are going to smoke some Cuban cigars, you wanna join?" 

"No," you replied quickly.

"He's got some Maduros too-"


"Alright it doesn't have to be a cigar, he's got cigarettes-"

"Oh God no!" you replied harshly.

"Why not?"

"Because I refuse to smoke," you said, hoping he wouldn't suspect anything. You didn't want to have to tell him something that you didn't like talking about.

But, of course, he suspected something was up. "What's up? Why are you so defensive about this?"

"My parents-"

"I'm guessing they smoked heavily."

"When they weren't doing drugs, yes. There was a whole drawer of cigars and cigarettes in the living room. They smoked mostly when me and my brother were at school."

"So why so defensive?" he asked, as he approached the railing. "It didn't hurt you."

"Well, we didn't have any ashtrays, so when they went to put a cigarette out they'd put it out on the furniture, and sometimes the furniture caught fire," you explained.

"Must've been pretty flammable furniture," Danny muttered. 

"Not really. Well, when we bought it anyways, then they'd spill alcohol on it, so then-"

"Oh, yeah, I understand now. Continue."

"Anyways, sometimes, we'd come home to find that they just let the furniture burn, so we'd be the ones putting the fire out. We'd get serious burns on our arms, our legs, et cetera."

"So that's why you've got a thing against smoking."

"Partially. When they smoked when we were home, however, they put the cigarettes out on us," you explained as you rolled up 1 of your sleeves to show him numerous circular burn scars.

"My God. And I thought my parents sucked."

You laughed. No one, not even Jack knew about the scars. And you planned to keep it that way for awhile. "You should go back down, and don't you dare tell anyone about this. Not yet, at least."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll tell them eventually."

"Alright," he said, and he walked to the door, and opened it. Before he stepped through, however, he stopped, and turned to you. "I see the way he looks at you," he said.


"Jack. I saw how he looked at you when you and Tom walked outta the elevator. It was a look of fear. I see the way he looks at you in general. It's the same look I had whenever I saw Henley."

"What are you implying?"

"Nothing, I'm just pointing out an observation."

"Mhm. Goodnight, Danny."

"You going to bed?"

"After I shower," you told him.

"Oh, so that's what that smell was," he replied sarcastically.

"You suck."


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