Chapter 15: One Way or Another

Start from the beginning

As soon as I how out of the bus I start to walk away. Down what I think is their Main Street. I look at flyers and adds for apartments. Suddenly I see one pinned to the outside of a grocery store.

Attic sweet available for rent. One bedroom, one bathroom. Shares facility's with neighbors. Two hundred a month.

It's perfect, so I rip it down and stuff it into my backpack. Wouldn't want someone else getting there first now would I. I can afford this until I can get myself a job. Instantly I start to look around for restaurants. They always need waitresses and you don't need any degrees to be a waitress.

Instantly I start to think of a identity. I can't be West any more. Eric and Bill will already be looking for that name, or any strange name at that.

So I start to think. Suddenly it comes to me Adriana Dowie. It's simple it's plain, it's the kind of name you look over. My new identity starts to form in my head.

Name: Adriana May Dowie
Age: Twenty five
Bio: young girl who just moved to town, graduated high school a couple of years ago, is originally from Canada (that's why I don't have that accent everyone else around here has), doesn't have any work references because her last employer was a older man who died of cancer, I have four years of waitressing experience.

It's perfect. I'm no longer West, I'm Adriana May Dowie, and I will never tell another person that in all my life. If all goes according to plan that is. Which I honestly hope it does. I don't want to screw this up.

Suddenly I crash to the ground after colliding with a sturdy object. "Ohh I am so sorry. Here let me help you up."

A man about my age with midnight black hair and startling green eyes bends down and offers me his hand. He's handsome. His face is strong and angular yet it has a sly quality to it. His smile is honest and good, I miss that. Good non manipulative smiles aren't something I get enough of. The mans face is apologetic as he pulls me up. "I am so sorry."

"That's quite alright," I say kindly. This may be my first chance to make a friend. I smile brightly letting my hood fall of so he can see my face. His smile grows wider and he blushes. "I'm Adriana."

Introducing myself as this new person feels somewhat strange but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough. His face betrays that he is somewhat nervous as he tells me. "I'm Peter, I haven't seen you around here before."

"Well I just got here. I'm going to move here." I say nervously touching the strap of my backpack.

Instantly Peter responds. "Well if you need a place to stay I'm renting out my attic."

Pulling the flyer out I ask. "Are you this apartment?"

He nods and chuckles slightly. I nearly faint as he looks up at me through his eyelashes. I love it when guys do that. Who doesn't really? "I am."

"Well this is coincidental." I stuff the flyer back in my bag and zip it up throwing it back across my shoulders. "I was hoping to move in there."

"Well you most certainly can." He says and starts to walk off. I follow. "Is that all your stuff?"

"I travel light." I say shrugging.

He smiles at me. And I smile back. This could be a great relationship.

ł Third Person POV ł

The tree companions sat on the bus at three am. They caught the next bus to Oklahoma City. They had already been ridding for around two hours. The time was precisely 5:02 am. Eric was staring out the window when he decided it was time to get off.  The sun could come up at any moment and he didn't fancy burning to the crisp.

He looked at Bill who shook Sookie awake. She had been sleeping for around an hour forgetting that they'd have to get off. Eric wasn't sure why he even got the tickets to Oklahoma City when he knew they would have to get off.

That didn't matter though. He went to the bus driver and told him to stop the bus at the next town.

The one they were currently passing was to tiny for his taste and he wasn't sure there was a hotel there. Even though there was.

If only Eric had known then that West was at that town. Maybe he would have stopped there. But he didn't because he was so emotionally attached on finding her in Oklahoma City that he was blind to any other possibility.

He was so blinded by the emotions he didn't understand. It wasn't love yet it wasn't merely possessiveness. He did care for West even if he didn't realize it yet.

And West cared for him, even if she hadn't realized it yet.

One thing was for sure though, they would find each other.

One way or another.

«Hey sorry this is sucky. I'm at my dads so I have to share a bed with my sister. It's a pain. Just kill me now, please!
Until next time dearies!






Don't copy»

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