XXXII. Plans and Plots.

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"I'll be by your side forever"


Jc Caylen

"What the hell are you talking about?" I groaned, crossing my arms angrily, trying not to raise my voice at her. My head had begun to hurt from her screaming at the top of her lungs.

Lia's voice was beginning to strain, and at this point she was struggling to speak where I could hear her, "I can't do this anymore Jc! This secret relationship?"

"Then let's not make it such a damn secret since you're going to whine so much about it being a secret, excuse me for having been protecting you from all this hate for our age difference. Excuse me for trying to keep you happy and content, without you being called names, same goes for me."

"I wouldn't care! I had you, that's all that mattered." Lia's voice cracked and tears began to stream out from her eyes and down onto her cheeks.

I took a deep breath, "why do you say it in past tense?"

"I can't do this anymore, I'm sorry Jc. Can we just be friends?" Lia whispered, "I'm so sorry."

"Why can't we just tell everyone, to make you happy?"

Lia shook her head, "that's not enough Jc, I'm so sorry. I can't do this, we're better off as friends. It was nice while it lasted and I promise that I'll miss you, I always will. But we can be friends, right?"

I shook my head back at her, "no."


"I'm not going to be friends with somebody I love, when I can't be with her. It's unfair to me. You don't love me, that's why this is so easy for you."

She sighed, "I'll return your things to Trevor, and he can give them to you."

"As will I."

"Goodbye," Lia turned around and walked back into her apartment room, slamming the door shut behind her.

I stood in the apartment complex's hallways, completely dumbfounded by what had just happened. I thought about calling Kian and telling him that I'll join him in his bedroom to cry over our ex-girlfriends, but he was trying to make life better without her, since he realized that Andrea was doing just fine without him. 

In my opinion, I think Jenn is only friends with Andrea because Andrea needs somebody. Andrea lost her boyfriend, so she went to her old best friend and is trying to create a newer friendship that may not even exist. And if Andrea loses Jenn, Andrea might go back to Kian and beg for him to take her back. 

Then again, that only happens in the movies.

I think. 

"Jenn? Are you there?" I asked into the phone.

I had just called her and told her my theory and she and I both agreed it sounded accurate enough. We were discussing how to pull it off and hoping it would work.

"So you think this will actually work?" Jenn asked, still not sure.

"Absolutely. Who does Andrea now go to if she's sad? You. Who does Kian go to when he's sad? Me. And what if we are both unavailable to them, at some point they'll give up and go back to each other. Right?" I asked.

"For once in your life Caylen, you're right."

Chuckling to myself, I left Lia's complex, mostly unbothered by the recent break-up. I was a little heartbroken, but just barely. It was as if I didn't completely love her, even though I thought I did.

"Next time Andrea needs you, say you're with me. And I'll do the same thing," I told her as I got into my car, "and at some point they'll run back into each other's arms."

Jenn laughed into the phone, "or we could actually meet up? Or is that a bad idea?"

"Sounds like an idea. Not sure if it's good, or bad. However, we can still meet up. How about tonight? Pizza and a movie at my place?"

"Kian will be at your place, so how about mine instead?" She suggested.

"Great, I'll pick up the pizza and come over around six o' clock, is that good with you?"

"Yeah. It's crazy, we're sneaking around to see each other. It sounds kind of risky, you know? It's like we have a secret, then again we kind of do. We just have our plot to get them back together, you know?"

"True. Well, I'm going to go, be there at six. Until then Jennifer, goodbye." I hung up and drove to my apartment and walked inside to see Kian sitting on the floor, sorting through some pictures he had pulled out of a bin.

He looked up at me and frowned, "hi."

I walked over to him and noticed he was shuffling through pictures he had of him with Andrea.

"Do you miss her?"

He shook his head, though I could sense he was lying. 

"You broke up with her, just remember that, she's the one who should be heartbroken. Not you."

Kian looked up at me and shrugged, "but she loved Kenny."

I rolled my eyes, "but who was she with? You. Isn't that enough for you?"

Kian looked back down at the photos and started ripping a few of the photos.

I cringed as he ripped them, and then I walked into my room. I laid on my bed and went through all of my social medias. As of right now, people were talking about politics. Trump versus Clinton; Bernie on the sidelines. It's crazy how dramatic politics has become. It's insane in some ways.

"Can I come in?" Kian's voice sounded so small.

I sat up on my bed and moved my laptop and phone, setting them on my bedside table. "Sure, come on in," I told him.

He walked in and took a seat beside me on my bed, "what do I do?"

"Go back to her?" I suggested, "if you love her--"

"If I love her, I'll let her choose." Kian whispered faintly, "isn't that the right thing to do?"

I shrugged, "do what you wish. I've got to go in an hour."

"Where are you going?"

"Uhm, to meet my family." I lied.

"I know you're lying Jc. You're just going to Lia's house, aren't you? Just admit it."

I swallowed, "yes, I'm going to Lia's. Right."

He nodded and left my room, closing the door behind himself.

I laughed a little and texted Jenn.

He thought I was going to Lia's place when I told him, gosh! We're sneaking around and I feel so badass for this. I'm like a spy or some shit. Agent Caylen, over.

Jenn instantly texted back.

Shut up Agent Caylen. You're strange. Hurry up and just come on over, I am starving!


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