X. Needing and Wanting.

312 6 1

Andrea Russett


I rolled over on the bed and turned to see Kian, asleep. I smiled to myself and then quietly got out of the bed. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my favorite pair of black, ripped skinny jeans. I also grabbed a bra, some underwear, and a red and white shirt.

I stood by the bed and looked at Kian, who was still sleeping. I decided to just change right there, since he was asleep anyways. I took off the clothes I slept in, some athletic shorts and a t-shirt. I quickly put on my fresh, clean clothes.

Kian was still sleeping and it was now 10:53 pm. I crawled back onto the bed and laid by him, then gently kissed his forehead. His eyes instantly fluttered open and a smile spread across his face.

"Good morning handsome," I smiled. I sat up on the bed and looked at him, "what do you want to do today?"

He grabbed the pillow from under his head and covered his face with it, "I don't know, I kind of want to sleep, but at the same time, I want to hold you and do something."

A small laugh escaped from me, "then do both. How about this? You can sleep, while holding me. And when you wake up, we can do anything you pretty much want."

"That sounds," he paused to think of a word, "absolutely perfect."

I laid back down beside him. He brought me closer to him and held me close, "I love you," he mumbled into my forehead, then kissed it.

"And I love you," I blushed, "go to sleep Kian, wake up when you want."

"Okay," Kian replied. And just like that, I heard him softly breathing as he fell asleep.


Kenny Holland

I laid on my bed, feeling completely defeated.

She loved him. Not me. Him.

It almost felt unbelievable. She had talked so much crap about him. She always called him an asshole or a dick. She once even said she kind of regretted the time. Then again, that was right after the break-up, so she might have just still been upset.

I was there during her weak times.

I helped her when she and Kian broke up. I helped her when she and Jenn stopped talking. I did everything in my power to try and keep her happy. I was absolutely in love with her, no doubt, and it was all for nothing. She didn't love me back and she never would.

I got up from my bed and changed clothes. I changed into a plain white t-shirt and some blue jeans. I put on some shoes and got in my car. I started the car and began driving on the road.

I don't know where I'm going. I don't know when I'll stop. I don't know if I'll ever stop.

As of right now, I just wanted some air, some time, and some space.


Author's Note: I'm sorry I haven't updated in quite a long time and I know that this is really short, but the next few chapters will be much longer and trust me, the story will get much more interesting, soon.

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