Chapter 2- private tutoring

Start from the beginning

The bus arrives and I get on after Josie, who steals the seat at the back in the corner. I sit next to her and ask her to do my life story about me getting with mr styles, or, as mr styles told me to call him, Harry. It ends up with me getting married to him which, for some reason, I don't think thats going to happen. Even if we did dance on tables and sing free fallin', mr styles is only a crush and I will never in a million years want to actually go out with him, as he is my teacher. I gotta admit, he is gorgeous though.....

Nothing much happens on the bus, apart from the year sevens near us at the back that micy was chatting up. Kiya tried to sit next to Josie but she wouldn't move and he got really mad and ended up flipping over the seat next to zac because he wouldn't let him get in. Also, when we went over a roundabout, the back of the coach ( the boot sort of thing ) popped open and everyone started shouting. We had to stop in the middle of a really busy road and the bus driver got out and closed the boot. After that, me and Josie and micy put our heads up out of the back window and micy put her face against the window and started snogging it! Which was sort of weird. I don't think she meant to...

When we finally get to school, I am laughing like crazy over a trifle tower, which is this joke me and Josie made up about my deformed Eiffel tower and how a trifle leans over like my Eiffel tower. It's pretty crazy. It's almost time for the bell to go so I quickly run into my form room, bumping into françoirs on the way, who laughs at me running down the corridor, again, my bag is jiggling, driving me insane because it's so big.

When I get into my form room, there is someone in front of me. Mr styles. He's even more gorgeous than he was yesterday.... I gaze into his deep, jade green eyes and he smiles. I smile back. He hands me a book that seems to have my name on it.

"you left this in detention yesterday" he tries to say Solemly but I can see that cheeky smile creeping up on his face. I gently grab the book and shove it in my bag, looking back to him.

"I have to go now" he says and I sigh. "I'll see you 4th lesson" and he winks at me subtly so the form won't see. I bet they've been fawning over him for the last however long he was in here. However, he came to see me. Me! I guess it was only about my book though. Also, he winked at me. Only softly but I know it was at me. I mean, who else could it have been at? He's only been at this school one or two days anyway. I try to forget about mr styles as I sit in my seat, but he keeps coming in, invading my thoughts. I can't concentrate in registration because of him and it's really embarrassing because I miss my name in the register and mr young has to shout at me about five times before I actually hear.

After registration, the next lesson is maths, which is great! One reason because I'm absolutely amazing at it and two, because it's my favourite subject! Who am I kidding? I hate maths.... I roll my eyes as I stumble into the classroom, an impossible sum already on the board for us to 'ponder over'. I slump into my seat next to this dead nerdy girl called fiona, who looks down at me, slumped in my seat. She has those awful roundish glasses that you get in the 70s that are like so thick I don't even get how she can actually see through them. I mean, if you need glasses, at least get cool ones, not ones that will almost definitely get you bullied within the first five seconds of you stepping through the school gates. She also has bright ginger hair and loads of freckles. I smirk at her when she sits up straight and puts her hand up, answering the impossible question with a series of powers and other complicated stuff that I can't be bothered to understand. Our teacher, mr Marley, Is Irish and quite funny, making jokes that people don't really understand. Irish jokes maybe? He says it's time for a mental maths test and he gets some girls to hand out pieces of paper because, knowing mr Marley, he's probably scared we'll cheat if we do it in our books. I was like, calm down mr Marley, it's only a mental maths test.

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