This has always been the problem. People who know or don't know about me being trans, persistently use feminine pronouns and words to address me. It hurts. It's like every time someone refer to me as "she" they are stabbing me in the gut. It hurts and you have no control over it. Just the thought of my mates using these pronouns, makes my stomach feel none existent.

Before I knew it, Liam pulled to the side of the road. They all directed their attention to me.

"Do you mind not calling me that?" Quietly I asked, too scared to say it any louder. They all looked at me with confusion written over their faces.

"Call you what, love?" Louis voiced, causing me to clutch my bag closer as if it was my life support. They are going to think I'm stupid. I'm probably the only one that would get upset by a pet name.

"Ermm," I began to fiddle with the straps on my bag, obviously trying to rid myself of all this nervous energy building up inside me. "Could you not call me, Princess?". I felt so small. I closed myself up more, covering my chest even though I was wearing my binder. Even though it might be an innocent misunderstanding, it made me more aware of my feminine body.

Out of no where, I felt someone's finger on my chin, bringing it up to look into Liam's enchanting eyes."That's completely fine love." Liam smiled. "If you don't like something, or we say something wrong, just tell us." With that, he dropped his hand.

I could feel my dimple making an appearance. This must have caught Lou's attention. "God, you're so adorable." Louis brought his hand to my thigh and squeezed it. I know he is doing it to cheer me up, but that didn't stop me hissing though gritted teeth. Louis pulled his hand away instantly. He had to pick the thigh thats just been stabbed; God that hurt!

As is unison, they all sniffed the air; pain. They could sense it and probably smell a drop of blood from the injection. "You're hurt, where does it hurt?" Niall, who was the closest, began scanning me, checking for any injuries I might have. It warmed my heart, but I hate this constant worry they have about me. I know I'm very secretive, but I'm alright; well I think I am anyway.

"Niall, I'm okay. I just got an injection, I'm okay." This seemed to settle them slightly, yet I know they were all curious now. Hell, I would be too.

"What for?" Louis questioned. "Are you ill?"

"No, not at all. I'm fine." I turned my head to look out the window, trying to indicate I want to drop the topic.

Liam huffed then turned around, starting the car up and began to drive. "Okay then." He said through gritted teeth.

Was he annoyed at me? Did I say something wrong?

The rest of the ride went by in silence, until we pulled up outside a humungous house. I would've mistaken it for a mansion! "Home sweet home." Zayn mumbled.

"This is your house?" I gasped in shocked. How did a pair of 18 year olds own such a huge house? How did they get the money?

Louis chuckled. "Yes love, we all live here." I looked at all of them, still taking it in. Liam was the only one not acknowledging me. The last thing I wanted to do was piss off an alpha, especially one that was my mate.

"Come on, love, let's get you inside." Louis said whilst taking my bag off me. He got out and came round to my side, opening the door and helping me out. "Thanks." I spoke so quietly, if they weren't alphas they wouldn't have heard it.

"You're so very welcome, Curly." Louis shot back with a wink, deepening my blush even further.

We all made our way up to the pitch door. It was etched so carefully, it was quite beautiful. Once it was open and we're all inside. Zayn shut the door, making me feel more vulnerable. I haven't made my mind up if they are actually as nice as they seem. Trusting people has never been one of my strong points.

The New Boy // zianourry {Harry centric}Where stories live. Discover now