Chapter 16 ~That Stride~

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Sakurai's eyes were locked on her phone; her hair was gently flown by the wind as she sat in front of the Senoo's household. The morning air would always be the best, especially when you stayed near a beach.

"Our purpose of going to Kyoto was for the joint training. And the hidden purpose was to make [Last Name]-san remember about what happened 10 years ago without telling her directly."

Her voice was soft, easily swiped away by the wind.

"But how?"

She closes her eyes, thinking what would she do if she forgets about something and try to rethink it again.

If that happens to her, she's sure that she'll retrace her steps... right? She'll try to recreating the situation, the atmosphere, every action to remember it again. So isn't that applied to you too?

* * * * *

"Something that memorable from 10 years ago?"

Sakurai nodded her head, "If we can recreate the situation and atmosphere from memorable events 10 years ago, I bet we can make her remember about everything without telling her!"

Kaede and Asuma looked at each other, before finally their gaze falls to the two guys behind them.


Reiji smiled at them, "I think it worth try." And Senoo nodded his head as a silent agreement.

"So? What are your most memorable memories?" Kaede asked.

The two boys suddenly became silent. Their faces turn into a deep red in a second.

"Bubble ba-"

"Anything but that!"

Reiji coughed, "Sorry," and covers his red face.

"Maybe we'll start from stride. That's our first events after all," Senoo added.

Asuma nodded, "That would be the best option. Definitely better than taking bubble ba-"

"Like I said, anything but that!" Kaede whined again, cutting Asuma's words off.

* * * * *

"Stride? I thought we're going to have a little exercise today?" You asked, clearly confused when suddenly Sakurai and Shizuma appeared in front of you and announced about the changing schedule.

"We changed the schedule. We'll have stride for today. The other already agreed with that so don't worry!" She reassured.

You nodded your head slowly. Nah, she's also the manager and relationer after all. She knew better than you for scheduling practices.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" You smiled at them, "Let's start!"

After gathering the members and short briefing, you start all the preparations. More like they start the preparation.

Sakurai and Shizuma sat in front of Senoo's house, while the members went to their starting lines. And leaving you and Ayumu sat on the side of the takeover zone from the 4th runner to the 5th , and last, runner. And it means, it's a takeover zone from Heath to Takeru and Senoo to Reiji.

"Don't you think this is interesting?" Ayumu asked.

You looked at him, focused on the smile he gave to you. It feels different. "Yeah, kinda."

Actions Speaks Louder ~Senoo Tasuku x Reader x Suwa Reiji~Where stories live. Discover now