{8} It's Time For A Change

Start from the beginning

Then I continued, "Is there anything else, I should know about her?"

"Umm, she likes to write and she doesn't like Lydia. Kyla is shy and quiet in a way, but once you get to know her, she's outgoing. I guess that's why she's close to Scott and Stiles." Allison said

Then I said, "Allison, do you have a straighter by any chance, I need to fix my hair."

She nodded and suggested, "Do you want to stay over, for tonight?"

"Aww, how nice of you but can I be invited in?" I asked Allison

Then Allison replied, "Your welcome, anytime you want."

"Thanks, Allison. You're going to be a big help to me." I said then I continued asking, "What kind of style does Kyla, like to wear?"

"It's casual, she likes to dress comfy and wear her black converse. And she likes to keep her hair straight." She said then I commented, "Good to know."

"Well, here we are." I said as I parked in front of her house.

I turned to her and took off my glasses as she looked into my eyes, and said, "Allison, listen to me alright. You got dropped off by Derek Hale who is a friend of Scott's, after the party. You forgot what you guys talked about in the car, and you forgot that you met me. When I say the words, "Allison, remember me?" You suddenly remember it's me, as Kyra. If we are around Derek, and when we are alone, with me and you only, it's Krya. When we are around other people besides Derek and myself, you think and believe that I'm Kyla. If people ask you about Kyra, you deny until I say so. You'll do anything, I ask you to and you won't tell anyone, keep your mouth shut. You'll also tell me anything that you know about Kyla, Scott, Stiles, and your pathetic family. Understood?"

"I understand, Kyra." Allison said as she looked at me, then I said, "Remember what I said, keep your mouth shut and act normal."

Allison nodded her head, then I said, "Good night, Allison. I'll see you soon."

She got out and started to walk towards her door, I saw her turn around looking confused, then she opened the door and entered her house. I smirked as how my compulsion on her worked, now I found another pair of eyes inside that school. As I was driving back to the Hale House, I pulled over to the side of the road and put on the speaker of what I put inside the house, I heard Kyla and my mom's conversation about them leaving.

I heard the sound of my mom's voice panicking. She should start to feel that way, because the past is about to bite her in the neck; vampires could make vampire jokes too.

Then I heard her say something about Issac, who the hell is Issac? Then I heard her say that they should get out of here. I smirked to myself thinking that it's showtime. The plan is now in motion.

Then I suddenly remember about Stiles, oh no.

I started to drive as fast as I can to where Stiles was, he couldn't be in his house with Scott reacting this way, I started to drive faster with my hands tight onto the steering wheel. I thought to myself, where Stiles was, as it was a red light, I touched my red-heart shaped necklace trying to locate where Stiles was. The reason, I gave him the necklace was to locate him anytime, I needed to see him. It was almost like Beauty and the Beast, when the Beast uses the mirror to see the outside world.

I suddenly started to get a vision of Scott's house, as I started to drive to their location. I closed the door and ran up inside Scott's house, I don't need to be invited in.

I walked upstairs and heard Stiles, I looked down onto my outfit, thinking that I don't look like Kyla, but now is not the time to change. Just make something up, I guess.

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