Triple Crossed

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Snape's POV
"Our plan is working perfectly," I laughed to Bellatrix. "Soon, Lily will be ours for good, and James and his gang will all be dead."

"I can't wait to destroy that cousin of mine," Bellatrix cackled hysterically. "The look on his face will be priceless."

Damon entered the room. "It is done," He bowed down. "Can I be a Death Eater now?"

"Peter, Peter, Peter, haven't you learned not to trust by now. "We double crossed your friends, we doubled crossed you." Bellatrix gloated.

"Why'd you make me take Damon's place anyway? He was doing fine, drugging Lily and all, plus he would've been able to stand up to her friends better." Peter whined.

"To hide his true strength. In the fight tommorow, James will think he overpowered Damon,  when in truth Damon is really strong. We were also saving up his strength. "

The real Damon walked in and smirked.
"Silly Peter,  get out now. The real Death Eaters have things to discuss." He laughed.

Peter walked out shame faced and sad. 'There must be something I could do to become a Death Eater. It must be the ultimate betrayal. They might be my friends,  but honestly it's just Survival of the Fittest,  kill or be killed.' 
A tear dripped down his face,  and he made a promise that it would be the last one.

Lily's POV
I was tied up to a chair, my hands in cuffs. For some reason I was screaming threats to James and Alice. I tried to stop,  to call out for help, to cry out that's it's me Lily, but I couldn't yell out anything but my hatred for them.

     I'm trapped in this hate filled daze. I don't hate James, why am I screaming that I do? All I want to do is call for help,  but I can't. All I feel inside is helplessness. I feel the hatred rising back up,  taking me over, and I try to fight against it but it overtakes me again and it's all black. All I can do is listen, and sob internally. 

James POV

I paced around the room nervously. How are we going to pull it off? I'd die for Lily, but I'm not sure if we can beat Damon. There was something off with him when I beat him.

      Everything was set up to go perfectly. The cauldron was charmed, Snape was making the potion as we speak. Why did I have a sinking feeling everything will go horribly wrong.

That night, the potion was poured into a cup. I poured it into Lily's mouth and Snape jumped up victoriously as Lily was stirring.
"I can't believe you guys fell for that. Now Lily will be mine, and more importantly on our side. The Dark Lord has been very interested in her of the late." He glared at me.

I was about to respond but someone answered for me.

"Pretty petty Severus, aren't you? How sad is it that you need a potion to make me love you? How insecure, and sad are you, deep inside, knowing I don't and can't love someone as dark as you? You needed to go through a whole elaborate scheme just to get me on your side. Well guess what Snivelly, you're going down." I turned around, and there was Lily, a beautiful smile on her face.

Snape stood there stunned. "W-well," He stuttered. "You underestimated me."

Lily simply smiled. "You mean your genius plan that I overheard,"

She turned to me and smiled. "James, duck!"

I ducked my head down and a blast of green hit the wall besides my head. A group of hooded figures started attacking.

    Everyone was fighting someone,  and the one Lily was fighting hood fell off. It was Damon.

We all overpowered the ones we were fighting, and soon it was just Lily and Damon.

"You wh*re, you'll never defeat me!" Damon snarled at Lily as he fired a curse at her.

       Lily dodged it and fired back. There were blasts of lights shooting back and forth and back and forth. He shot a killing curse at her, and it barely missed her. I tried to lunge in and protect her, but a blast hit me and flew me into a wall. It was all up to her now.

"A - Avada K- K..." Lily stammered.
Damon laughed at her. "Silly, silly girl, like you can defeat me. If you can't perform the curse, the curse will come back to bite you." With one last blast that knocked Lily off her feet, he waved his wand in the air, and with a flourish he was gone.

I ran to her and helped her up. She grabbed me in a huge hug. I whispered in her ear, "I missed you so so much." Tears ran down both of our faces as she kissed me passionately.

Ok I'm so sorry for not updating but o have tons of shit in my life rn. Not to get into details but I'm grounded and all of my devices may get taken away. I'm also dealing with being a freshman and trying not to flunk out of my school. I'm really sorry guys I love you all who are still reading this and who were previous readers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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