Breakups and Makeups

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Lilys POV
That night, after James left, I cried myself to sleep. I don't know what to do. I really want to be with him and just be happy, but I'm worried for him, and a little bit for me. I don't want anything to happen that leaves me heartbroken.
     He's just so sweet. But I'm not also sure it's work the risk.

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
There was a knock at my door. I looked at my clock. It read 3 am. I sat up with my eyes half shut. Is it James? I hope it isn't. I hope it is.

      "Lily?" I heard a sad whispery voice call out. It was Alice.
"Come in Alice. What's wrong?"
"I think Frank and I just broke up."

I walked over to her and gave her a big hug. "It'll be okay. If it makes you feel any better James and I were kind of dating secretly and I think I'm going to end it."

She gasped.
"I knew you to were together! Why are you ending it. He's became so much sweeter nothing like Frank! "

"What happened Al? You guys were so cute together."

" He wanted to lose our virginities  to each other and I didn't want to just yet. It turned into a whole argument. I would've asked Marlene for advice but she was out who knows where. Why is it so easy for you two?"

"To tell the truth it really isn't so easy. I think you should wait until your ready. Don't let anyone rush you. I got rushed and I ended up losing it before I was ready."

She looked confused.
"But didn't you lose it to James? At the party you said you slept with more than one person but I thought you were just to trashed to know what you were saying."

I burst into tears. "I did know what I was doing. I lied to James. I don't know why I did, but I did and I feel so horrible."

Alice rubbed her hand against my back. "It'll be OK Lily. I'm sure he doesn't really care that much. Who was it anyways."

"There's a reason why I lied. I can't say. It's to horrible and it would just cause problems with everything and everyone."

We both talked for a little before passing out in my bed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Someone was shaking me awake.
"Lily,  Alice, you're going to be late for class if you don't get up now."I opened my eyes and saw Marlene standing over me.

"I don't want to get up. I want to stay here forever and never see J-"
I stopped before I could reveal anything.

I decided not to complain and just go.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I was avoiding James all day and I didn't see him till dinner. He walked over to me. 
"Did you make your decision yet?"

"Come with me to the hallway please."

He followed me out of the Great Hall.
"I'm sorry James but I don't think we can be together."

He looked heartbroken. "I don't care about the danger. I just want to be with you. "

"It's not that."
That's only half of it.

"Then what is it?"

"I don't feel anything besides friendship. " Of course I do, I'm just scared.

"I won't give up. I'll fight for you Lily Evans."
A tear rolled down James' cheek.

"Don't bother. There's someone else. I'm so sorry James. Just move on. There are so many girls that would date you."

"Who is it? Who's the guy you're leaving me for? I need to know."

"Uhh it's-"

"It's me." From behind me, I heard a voice. I spun around very confused. A very handsome guy was standing there smirking. Who was this guy? He wasn't wearing school robes. He held out his hand to James to shake. "My name is Mike. What's your name."

James and Lily Potter : NOT YOUR AVERAGE LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now