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mportant notice at end MUST READ

Liv's POV:
We started to get going for the wedding. We called the venue guy again and he said that we could have it for free because we didn't get a refund last time and it was an emergency. Good guy not everyone does that. I called Maddie and told her to come round so that she can help make the invitations list and all of that.

"Hey Maddie wanna come rou-"
"Leaving now," she cut me off in a good way.

It didn't take her too long to get here and when she did she took Maddison and held her  until I got my address book out so I know who to invite. When I got back to the room she was in I saw her playing peek a boo with Maddison she's taken a shine to my girl quickly but I don't blame her. Maddison is named after Maddie. Maddie put Maddison down and let her fall asleep whilst my twin and I got writing the list of names I wanted to invite. It was pretty long and when Holden comes home he has to do his list too. After I finished Maddie and I took Maddison to the park. I sat on the swing with the baby in my arms whilst Maddie sat on the swing next to mine. We talked and caught up on everything that has happened. Maddie told me about the prank she and Diggie did. It wasn't funny though because he needs to ask her soon before she gets pregnant. Otherwise she could get the hate that I get from Holden's parents. Just to let you all know Artie is over me, finally, he went out with this other girl. I told Maddie about Holden and what's been happening.  She told me not to worry because Holden still loves me just his parents don't. I told her that he said the same thing.  But I don't know if it's just that. Holden usually hates going against his parents. I just wish nothing breaks.

Maddie's POV:
To be honest Liv is right. Diggie should ask me out before I get pregnant I could already be but I don't think so. I don't know though.  I want to go junior Olympics. Maybe I should do that before I get married.
"Liv. Should I go Junior Olympics?" I asked her because if she needs me then I can't go.

"To be honest Maddie that's totally up to you. It's your future not mine," she replied.

"I think I wanna go," I said.

"Then go and know that I'm going to support you all the way," she said being the supportive twin she is.

"I hope I'm making the right decision."

"You are. It's always been your dream so just go and have fun," she said. I love her. Supportive sis.

"Okay. Do you wanna come with me back home to tell the rest of the family?" I asked her.

"Sure. But remember you need to tell Diggie too," she said.

Let's get straight into the important things. I'm gonna end this story soon. I don't know I think there will be like two more parts. But TAKE NOTE I'm going to make a SEQUEL. The base will be when Maddie gets back from Junior Olympics. Liv and Holden will be married with two more children who are twins. Maddison will be idk five. I wanted this story to have like sixty parts but I don't know what to write. For the sequel I have it all planned out though so that's okay. I will tell you all when i make the next story and the title for it so be prepared.

Still on holiday but I'm in Morocco. I'm writing this on the tenth of August. I'm writing my stories in a order. So it goes Carson, Johnny then Liv and Maddie and my blog whenever I want. Sorry for the short part Idk what to write so I'm just gonna peace out now.


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