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So yes i know i said i might update on the same day but i didn't have WiFi to get round to it. You guys better like this part because i woke up at 5:40 am to write it for you and it's a school day. So i really hope you enjoy this part and at the end of this chapter there will be an announcement.

Maddie's POV:

I hate him. I hate that stupid cow so much. I have to warn you guys when I call someone a cow it is serious. He has practically ruined my life and I know I said that if he breaks up with me when he comes back from Australia I would be okay but he hasn't told me anything yet. I'm just suspecting. All I am now is a girl who loves basketball and oh yeah the captain of the basketball team. But now I've lost my focus from basketball does that make sense. Willow and Andy have started noticing me just passing the ball and not throwing it through the hoop. Oh and did I mention I haven't even told them about Diggie yet. They know that he is back just they don't know about the date or my suspicions.

I don't know. Should I believe Diggie about him not liking South or what? My head is telling me to believe him but my heart is telling me not to. Any you guys probably know the saying 'follow your heart'.  So right now I'm choosing to follow my heart but do you guys think I should follow my head?

Liv's POV:

Ugggh. I can't believe South. I think that girl told me a great big whopping lie. You know how people will either blush or they feel guilty and you can tell when they are. Well South is a bit like me so she goes all high pitched voice on me and I can't believe I just noticed that. Maybe she has become a new person. Maybe she always has a high pitched voice. I know that if someone put me on the spotlight I would be fine but people are different. Wait what am I talking about she was an actor with me. That girl is seriously going to pay for it.

Now let's take South out of my head for now and think about Holden. Today he took me to the fro yo store. And yes it is the one they videoed me singing 'fro yo yolo'. While we were sharing some fro yo I got a bit of it on my lips which i had not licked off. You guys probably don't know whats going to happen next, actually you probably do. After he had cleaned it off he kissed me passionately on the lips. 

I would go into detail about it but I'm not sure it is what I want to go viral like the fro yo video. It was still one of the most amazing thing that has happened to me. Although many amazing things have happened to me before. Oooh Holden is texting me GTG bye.


Hey guys I hoped you liked that last part. Although I am really tired but I guess I owed you guys for saying that i would update on the same day. Up above it says there will be an announcement so here it is: I want someone to post a character profile about yourself so that I can use it in this story and the part that will have you are in will be dedicated to u as well as the person my whole story is dedicated to. Make sure to include hair, eyes, personalities,skin tone and anything else u think needs to be included. Once again I hoped you guys liked that last part and keep voting on my story if you want more.

I hope u guys post bellow your character profiles and i WILL include you.

Bye for now

XxX Maya

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