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Hey guys. This part is going to be about Holden and Liv because I haven't done that in ages. I have actually forgotten whether I have carried on from when Andy saw them together so I am just going to start from there.

Liv's POV :
The sweat building on my head sticky and smelly. The heat running round my body continuously making me struggle to stay in one place. My blanket making the heat rise as if I am having the worst illness possible. I woke up. All it was was a bad dream. Andy was chasing me for going out with her ex. For being a traitor.

I think I should let Holden go. That night when Andy spotted us was probably the best night of my life but within only a couple of seconds it all changed. Andy watching us having a nice time made everything embarrassing. We caught each other's eyes at lock but she seemed to have this look which meant that we were not on good terms. So I thought that Holden and I should take a break from each other. But a different way.

Holden's POV :
So Liv had come up with a plan. Which I have to say was one of the best plans ever. We were going to have a fight in front of Andy so that she thought that something was wrong. But Liv and i would still see each other secretly. I know right Liv the cunning girl. But I think if this goes to plan it may end well. But if Andy finds out to soon that we were fibbing then everything will end in an apple crumble.

H-Holden L-Liv
L- What the heck. Why do you always have to come out in so much rubbish. You always blame me for everything. Was in the one that embarrassed us in front of your parents. It seems like you have been telling lies to them all along.
H- Why don't you actually let me say something. I didn't lie you do have a big head and you don't know when to stop talking.
L- yes I do. When you have finished fibbing to your parents thats when I will stop talking so much.
H- You know what maybe I need to take a break from you. Your always tagging along and not leaving me alone. You text me twenty four seven and it's pretty annoying ( A/N sorry Maximoose_2002 if I am too much of a tag along)
L- You know what maybe for once your right. Maybe I should take a break from you. Actually maybe this was never meant to happen.

Liv stormed out of the room then. I'm pretty lucky having a girlfriend who is also an actor. The lucky thing is just as we were starting to get deep in the argument that is when Andy came into class. She doesn't even know her timetable. Let's just hope this plan goes well.

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I just thought that would be a good song. I hope this part fitted to your thoughts. If you guys want to follow me in instagram follow me at Z_A_H_E_E_R_A or my fan account lewis_g_hamilton. I know that I take long to update but it's not my fault that the secret still hasn't finished it got postponed. I feel like sleeping now bye. I will only update the next part if I see that this part has at least ten views.
Peace out

Liv And Maddie ContinuationHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin