New Girl

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So i usually update every two days or so so i am going to update today i hope your proud that I am sticking to my writing schedule ;). In my last chapter I announced a competition and the first reply was from NicWithACapital so I am going to go with her description seeming as that is the first and only one i have got so far. This part is dedicated both to my friend MayaXD123 and NicWithACapital I hope you both like it.

Maddie's POV:

OMG. Today is probably the worst day of my life. As you know I think South is stealing my boyfriend. But I think I have got it all wrong. There was a new girl at school today and she already seems to be really popular. Let me describe her for you guys so you can picture her hair was long and blond, her eyes were a cool hazel brown and she was tanned a little but if you want to compare her to Parker, my brother, she is a little lighter. She was a type of girly girl who was a bit tomboyish but was lazy. She has all the boys surrounding her-including Diggie- while she is talking about her gaming vlogs. Even though that makes her seem like a boy she still does all the average things a girly girl would do she goes shopping she is a foodie and is all about style.

Then guess what she did. During basketball practice she came and asked me who's the captain and if she could join. And I was like who do you think you are. First you come and barge your way into my school and get Diggie and the boys all over you and then you think you can join my basketball team, you better have another think coming I nearly said to her aloud. I told her that we would welcome her then introduced her to myself as i was telling her that i am the captain. She seemed like a friendly person and maybe she accidentally got all the boys all over her MAYBE. And I am not going to lie. That girl is Amazing at playing basketball and did I mention her name is Alexandra. Even if she is being nice I think I do not want to see her with Diggie because that will make me furious.

Liv's POV:

So I think you guys have heard about Alexandra, the new girl. She is sooo pretty but just to say I am more prettier then her. Look at me then look at her. Well I think I am going to have to make friends with her. There is no particular reason. Actually maybe there is. She is starting to get really popular and you all know being popular is so me. The only way to keep that up is to be friends with her. That's why in movies all the cronies to the popular ones are treated specially as well. Wait did I just call myself a cronie.

I am not a cronie in fact that's what people do to me. My sister maybe a basketball fanatic but she is popular for that whilst I am popular for acting and singing and dancing and Halloween costumes and cheese roll oh and a lot more things. Well I will not cronie Alexandra she will cronie me seeming as she did come and follow me around today and ask for my autograph. You wouldn't usually see that from a pretty girl they are usually stubborn apart from me. I hope Maddie didn't see this but I saw Alexandra flirting with Diggie. But who wouldn't he is a pretty boy. If I see any more of that from her i will probably get suspended for punching her in the face.


OMG there is a new girl at there school who has joined the basketball team. Thnx to NicWithACapital for the description once again. When it says 'pretty boy' that is totally opinions and seeming as i am the writer i wrote what i thought, if there was any problems. 

What do u guys think is going to happen in the next part comment bellow and keep voting. Oh and yes I do know that Liv sounds pretty vain but that's how i like it for her.

For the last time thnx NicWithACapital and I hope you enjoyed this part vote and comment if you liked the use of your description and it will make me happy :).

I will write as soon as i can but you have to be patient,

XxX Maya

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