Sister time

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This part is only going to be Maddie's POV because it will hopefully be very long. It should hopefully be around three days worth of there life or something like that.

Maddie's POV :
Liv texted me to have a chat with her also know as twin time. And it didn't even go as it would normally. She told me that I have to yell Diggie about going out on a date with Ryan otherwise it wouldn't turn out good. All I said to her was that she should butt out of my buisness and just focus on her own. Like why would I need her advice. She has never stuck with a boy as long as I have and thats saying something because she's the girly girl not me. Actually I'm not that much of a tomboy either. I know I like playing all kind of sports but I also like a little touch of make up and ok clothes (a/n im like that). Back to the subject. Liv doesn't understand Diggie like I do. Yes she talks to him but she doesn't as much as I do.

Liv has just started going out again and you will never guess what I said to her. And it was really mean. I said that because her skater boyfriend was a fake so would Holden. The minute I said that I regretted it because that made Liv turn into a river of tears. OMG I know I should have said sorry but I couldn't that would make me the sad one because I would have said sorry. I think that she should have said sorry to me for butting into my buisness. (a/n comment who u think should have replied first)

The next day was school so I was practically glued to the side dog Diggie all day. Ryan spotted us together a couple of times which was really awkward because I haven't even told him that I am going out with Diggie again so this was the day I have to tell him. There was one problem Diggie had all the same lessons as me so he would be there. And from what Liv said he should find out which I still disagree about.
The convo between r-ryan m-maddie and d-diggie
M- Hey Ryan
R- what do u want
D- don't speak to my girlfriend like that.
R- since when was she your girlfriend.
D- you didn't know
M-guys shut up would you. Let me do the speaking. Ryan I never told you but Diggie and I are an item. And Diggie whilst me and you were not on speaking terms Ryan asked me out so I went with him cuz I was mad at you.
D- what the heck. I thought it was me and you since when did he come in.
R- what so ur breaking up with me.
M- we were never together. We went on one date that was all! And diggie we was not on speaking terms so I was extremely mad at you and wanted revenge. Who wouldn't?
D- I never went out on a date when we weren't speaking. Emphasising the I.

After that Diggie and Ryan both stormed out of class and it was Diggie's favorite, P.E. now what I took her advice and it didn't turn out well. I knew that I shouldn't have listened. So now Ryan and Diggie are both mad at me for telling the truth. Like that's all my mum says is to tell the truth. When I go home im going to lock myself in my room but that isn't going to work because I share a room with Liv. You know I might move out.

*End of school*
When I got home I dumped my school bag on the couch and straight away started moving my things out of my room to the attic. Liv kept on asking me what the heck I was doing I just ignored her with an emotionless look on my face. Mum was like liv keep on asking me questions but she was more supportive and allowed me to move into the attic.

* Night Time*
I was curled up on my bed in the attic but it was sooooo creepy. You never know what you will find in an attic which you haven't opened up in years. I am scared of spiders and of I spot one I will be downstairs sleeping on the couch within a matter of seconds. It was uncomfortable up there not knowing what could be lurking around. The ghost of Marleys past could be here. Eventually I fell asleep all huddled up in a ball.

By morning I was suprised because I awoke in Liv's room on the floor with my duvet over me. But I wasn't as suprised because the attic was uncomfortable and mum and dad say that I sleep walk sometimes. When I woke up Liv was pacing the room and I knew what it was about. When she saw me staring at her she started blabbing about how sorry she was for telling me to say that. It seems as if someone has told her about the row between the three muskateers. No. Okay. I told her all about what had happend but I told her that it was meant to be like that. And that I should always count her in on everything that happens in my life.
Then she started singing to me and I have to say it put a smile on my face. My only problem that may stay with me for a while is that now that Diggie and I are not on good terms again my life may be ending soon. So now I need to make it up to him somehow. He needs to know that I love him and there is no one better then him in the world for me. I need Diggie to stay in my life.

Hey guys. I started writing this part like three days ago. Then I wanted to invite my friend round so I was busy for that and I made like four batches of ice cream. Anyway this part is longer then usual because I needed to fit three days into it to try and put the song in. So I hope you like the song I know I do and so would MayaXD123.
Gotta go guys I dont know when the next update will be and im not good at sticking to a set date so be patient and keep voting.

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