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Hey guys/girls. It hasn't been too long since I last updated so I think I deserve a congratulations. Anyway let me get on with the story.

Maddie's POV:
I'm lovestruck. Although Diggie and I have known each other for quite a while and we have been going out every time we go on a new date it feels like the first time it has ever happened. This date was so romantic. We went and watched Captain America in the cinema. Not your idea of romantic, well it is mine and just to let you know it is Diggie's as well. We both love the idea of watching an action movie and eating a bucket of buttered popcorn. Who doesn't??? After that we went for a jog across the park to burn all of the energy that we gained from eating the popcorn. Yep. Even when I'm on a date I think about exercising.

Anyway. What truly made that date make me lovestruck was how the jog ended. We jogged tree times round the park and by the time we were super tired Diggie and I dropped dead onto the floor. We landed with our faces facing each other and our legs overlapping. Diggie leaned in closer and brushed his nose against mine. I moved a little closer in and I could feel his minty breath being breathed over my face. All of a sudden he kissed me. The deepest most meaningful kiss that could ever be imagined. I was so desperate to be let into his mouth and he allowed it and in return I let him into mine. The warmth from the inside of his mouth was amazing. I could feel his tounge moving around in mine feeling ticklish as he licked the inner part of my cheek. His arms were wrapped around my back but we weren't about to start having sex in the middle of the park. Even Liv would agree that is just wrong. And let me tell you all something it is hard to get Liv to agree with you on anything. We just pulled each other closer together until someone walked past us stopped and started giggling. We both stopped all of a sudden and looked up to see Parker standing there watching us.

Liv's POV:
It was supposed go be a date but it ended up much more then just that. What do you guys think happened? Mum thought I was at Andy's house for a sleepover and Holden's parents were out of the state. Can you people put two and two together.

We had just been out on a double date with Maddie and Diggie but we decided to go separate ways when Maddie said they were going out for a jog. Holden and I went back to his house. I never knew that he was a cook. He boiled spaghetti from scratch and when I say from scratch I mean flour and eggs. He also made this amazing sauce to go with it and it had meatballs. We were feeding each other with forks and when we were full we cuddled up on the sofa debating over which Disney movie from our childhood to watch. After debating quite a hit we chose to watch Cinderella but because we didn't he the version from when we were young we watched the 2015 version. It was pretty cool and her blue dress was absolutely beautiful.

After the movie we chose to go to the bedroom. We both jumped into bed. He started putting his arm up my shirt and was gently tickling me. He pulled my top off so I chose to do the same to him. Quickly unbuttoning his shirt one by one. I was in shock. He never told me that he worked out. The six pack was stunning. This guy must be going to the gym every day. He is making me fall for him even more. As the whole of the process took place he was kissing me all over my face heading down to my neck. My weak spot just behind my ear was where he kissed the most. It was ticklish but it also made me whimper. It was as if he didn't have a weak spot because wherever I kissed he seemed to grow a bigger grin and he didn't moan once.

Eventually we both fell asleep in each others arms. After that night we were closer then ever. But one problem I'm only sixteen and I just had sex. I just really hope that I don't become pregnant any time soon.

Hey guys. Long time no see. Actually I don't see any of u apart from my panda. Omg I'm freaking out because just before I started writing this part I saw that I had 998 views. My friend had 58 parts and 1000 views and I have 29 parts and I have nearly 1000 views. So ha! I hope you are liking this story so far. Make sure to go and check out my blog. QOTD: Do u think Liv is going to become pregnant???

Liv And Maddie ContinuationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon