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Maddie POV
He is coming home today yay. If you didn't know Diggie - my boyfriend - went to Australia as an exchange student. And today is the day he is coming home. He is the sweetest guy ever. He has brown eyes and brown hair. He is also the captain of the boys basketball team. If you didn't know I loooove playing basketball and am captain of the girls team. Oh and my dad is the coach.
"Liv, where are you we're supposed to be getting the party ready for Diggie's return?"
"I am sorting out the party snacks with mum?" (I am British not american)
I am sorting out who is coming. For example Joey isn't because he always ruins our moments when we're just about to kiss. Sweet times ruined by sour Joey. Willow Andy and I have to be there otherwise that's just wrong because we are all best friends. Now what am I going to say to Diggie. How about 'sup'. Nah I need to calm myself around him although that is how we first greeted eachother.

Today seems like the only day Maddie is interested in. She is always either playing basketball or being lazy and snoring in bed. But I guess it is the day she has been waiting for Diggie is her boyfriend. But I don't want to see Maddie get hurt. After all this time maybe Diggie has moved on and found himself a young tanned lady. Now I think of it maybe my next boyfriend will be Australian they do seem to be cute usually.

It has been quite a while since it has been Miggie. That's their pet name. Maybe after today Diggie should take her out on a special Romantic outing. But what happens if Diggie lets my awesome twin down. I will smash his face into little smithereens. And it will not end there. But let's think positive.

Where do you guys think Diggie should take Maddie out on there date too?
This would help seeming as I am not great at these sort of things but I still looove liv and maddie.

XxX Maya

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