Maddie's Texts

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So now I have more reads then I expected but if you really want to make me happy tell your whattpad friends to read it too pls :). Please vote for my story and I hope you enjoy this part but it is just the texts between Diggie and Maddie. Sorry to disappoint you if you were expecting something else.

Maddie's POV:

(D-Diggie, M-Maddie)

D- U seemed a little upset when we were on our date. Is anything wrong???


D- What????? Is ur phone glitching because I know how to fix it if so.

M-No Just get lost.

D- Now what's wrong?

M- It's not as if u actually care so why would i want to tell u.

D- Course I care i'm ur boyfriend.

M- Well yh that's what I thought as well.

D- Have I done something wrong.

M- Well obvs. Why else would I be mad at u. Although with ur sweet eyes.....SNAP OUT OF IT MADDIE.

D- Awww u think my eyes are sweet how sweet of u.

D- O wait u didn't finish off ur sentence.

M- I don't want to talk to u sooooo....

D- Fine I guess i will just ask Liv to tell me.

M- Wait NO I will tell u.

D- k so i'm waiting.


M- U know South.

D-Yh the one with the sparkling eyes. 

D- Oops I mean Liv's BFF.

M- Well I guess u already know seeming as it contains u in it.

D- NO. I want u to tell me what u know.

M- Fine.

M- When we were out South was proper on to u. And u didn't seem to mind.

D- U know that's how South is with everyone.

M- Yh but still ur supposed to tell her to get lost.

D- I can't I will just end up feeling guilty.

M- Well I thought u had more sense to let her walk all over u. Not just that why on earth did u take me to a fancy restaurant u know I hate anything fancy.

D- Welllll

M- Did Liv tell u too 'cuz I can accept that but u planning it urself.



I know that was short but I couldn't think of anything else to write that's why I need u guys' help ;). So if u have any ideas pls post bellow and if this chapter was a disappointment I promise the next one won't be. Keep voting if u think my story is good and it will encourage me to write more for my readers. I can't say that the next chapter will be long just better. But if u guys thought this chapter was good just say so . so that i know i'm not failing. thnx. I will try and update soon maybe even again today but keep calm read my story and keep voting.


XxX Maya

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