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Maddie's POV :
Time flies when you're having fun. Ever heard of that saying? Well it's definately not something that is happening right now. I'm in an History class sitting next to Diggie. You probably think that everything is fine between us but it definately is not. It is probably one of the most awkward and tense moments with him so far. He is practically half asleep and hasn't even taken any notes for the end of year exams, which if you wanted to know is happening in two weeks.

I decided to shake him.
"What do u want? It's six thirty in the morning."
"Diggie we're in a history class not at ur home,"I replied giggling quietly to myself.
"What? Oh hi Maddie, love. It's feels like I haven't spoken to you in ages."
"That's because you haven't,  you dimwit," I explained.The class went on as it would usually Diggie and I chatting between ourselves about life.

The next class was health class and the boys and girls do it together which I must admit is pretty awkward. But Diggie never pays any attention in these classes where as that subject is probably one of the only subjects I pay attention in. Diggie and I sit opposite eachother in this class and seeming as we haven't spoken in ages he decided to send me notes. With our teacher you must be really brave to take the chance and send notes around. (A/ N @colourful_hiccups Ms Stewart)

In lesson we were talking about the girls menstruating cycle. Like we already know about this. We don't have to get taught it again in front of a bunch of boys. Half of the boys in the class were actually paying attention but thats probably because this is part of a girls private life. Diggie decided to take the chance whilst Ms Stewart was facing the board and started passing the note. By the time the teacher was facing us again the note was in the middle of being handed to Dumptruck by Andy. As soon as the note was spotted everyone knew what was going to happen.  Ms went straight up to Andy and snatched the paper out of her hand. She opened the note and started reading it aloud:
Dear Sweetheart Maddie,
U wanna go on a date tonight???
XxX Diggie.
"Since when we're you two back together," was chorused between the class. I could feel my cheeks turn crimson as I got a couple of stares from the girls who fancy Diggie but mostly cheers because we were captains and supposed to be together.

Liv's POV :
I hate pretending not to be Holden's girlfriend. It's so horrible. We can never talk to eachother in school anymore otherwise Andy will know everything. And we barely have time to see eachother out of school because my acting career is on the line right now. Juggling acting, school and being a girlfriend and part of a family is hard all at the same time. But I don't want to break off with Holden because it has taken too long for us to get this far in our relationship now to end it.

I think I'm going to have to have a word with Andy. She's dating Dumptruck now. She doesn't need to morn over Holden anymore unless she still likes him. But that's truly just wrong because she told me that I was able to go out with him. But I guess it's part of life because having relationships aren't at all easy because you are most likely to move on in life. But there is a special bond between Holden and I. And if Andy comes and ruins that she does not know what she is in for. Being an actor I know what to expect in life sometimes.

Well anyway have you heard. The two lovebirds are back together.  It was officially announced at lunch time because in Maddie's health class the teacher spotted them sending eachother love notes and caught Diggie asking Maddie out on a date. I guess everyone gave a sigh of relief.  Having the two main captains of the school fighting is not easy. Especially if we are going to go up against other schools because then we all need to stick together as a team. Well I guess it is now official everywhere. The while school knows about the break up and the wierd get together again. But im guessing that isn't the whole story behind it. Now I have two people to talk to. Andy and Maddie. I guess it's going to be a long night ahead of me with a lot of texting and a lot of sister time. I am definately not living the life. I am feeling a bit sleepy now. Bye.

Hey guys. I am so bloody sleepy. I dont know if any under age boys are reading this story. But if so I recommend you do not ask you parents about what a menstruating cycle is and just allow your teachers in year/grade 6 to tell you. That way it is definately less awkward. Guys/girls I am definately aware of how long it has taken for me to update thats is why I have stayed yo really late to write more then I usually would. Being sleepy doesn't help how lame my writing is anyway. But just to warn you this part is being published a week from when it has been written because the internet company completely cut off all our Internet but on my phone I am able to write but not post. I think I'm talking too much. If any of you are having any problems private message me and I will bring it up in my anonymous blog so no one knows who it has come from. Oh and go check out my blog I think it helps the people who are out there being bullied. And guys/girls I know how it feels to be bullied so trust me.
DisneyDaydream_123 XxX

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