Nintendo is platonic

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You and Rick sat back to back alone on the sofa playing Mario Kart. You where at first place until rick through a red shell making you go to third place making him surpass you. "yOU BITCH I HAD IT" you growled "hahaa you cunt" he made it first place with you following his tail.

This is the sixth time he hid you with a shell or made you spin with a banana peel. It's been hours since you had started playing and it was 5:00 sharp when you had last checked.

"AGAIN!" you exclaimed. "You K-know you're going to loose again why-why not admit it now" you rolled your eyes and went on with it.

-a few minutes later-

....."WHAT THE FUCK YOU DID SOMRHING DIDNT YOU" you yelled across the house. "Y-yeah I did I beat your ass!" He retorted smugly. You groaned and rolled all over the floor upset. Morty came in smiling "w-what cha guys doin?" He asked. "Mario Kart" both you and Rick said.

Morty sat himself on the couch "c-can I play you know J-just to try it out" "knock your self out" you pass Morty your 3ds and lay back down.

--2 minutes L8r--

"What!?" Rick yelled "what" you said back. Morty smiled and looked at you handing it back you laughed.

1st place!!

You laughed loudly and rolled on the floor in enjoyment. Rick rolled his eyes and left before his streak messes up from a kid. "What's wrong? You butt hurt?" You taunted. "I let him win fyi" he yelled back. You high fives Morty and went off to mind your own business. Once you left the room, Morty put his hand against his cheek. "Ha" he laughed.

((That's it

Rick Sanchez X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now