Very, Very Exciting and Important Note!

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Hello my loves! (Please be sure to read until the finished. It's muy importante!)

I know, I'm sorry, I haven't updated in a while and I'm truly sorry. But, I have some good news and some bad news.

The Bad News:

There are only a couple more chapters in Hurricane. As in a couple, maybe a bit more than five.


The Good News:

There's going to be a sequel!

Yes, I bet you're wondering, "But Kaiia, a sequel about what? You're almost a month ahead in the book, why are you trying to tell the future?

So, there's going to be some big points in the sequel. I can't tell you one of them, because you don't know of it yet, but once you read Chapter 38, you'll realize what I'm going on about. Um...Zayn and Perrie's wedding is coming up, Bridgit's going back to university, Lola and Shane may or may not have a kindling romance...

But yeah, it's mostly going to be centered around the fact that Bridgit's going to college and there's going to be some temptations and drama there regarding boys (and a suspicious dormmate *wink, wink*).

And I don't want Bridgit's story to end, so this sequel must go on! But wait - the title! I almost forgot!

City Lights!

Because the majority of the story is her time in London at University! Soon, the cover will be released, even if Hurricane isn't finished yet.

Love you all!


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