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"Do you really want to do this?"

"Heck yeah I want to do this."

I grinned at my brother and hopped off of the sand, then pulled up my surf suit. Nick did the same, but he grabbed his surfboard first and started to run towards the water.

"Hey, no fair!" I exclaimed while also grabbing mines.

Nick and I had a Thanksgiving tradition of whoever rides until getting wiped out gets the biggest slice of pie at dinner, no questions asked. It's sort of a tribute to The Mayflower and stuff.

Of course, being the experienced surfer I am, I rode 5 waves before wiping out while Nick rode 4.

"Nope, I refuse to believe you're better than me," he said, looking away from me in feign jealousy as he clenched his board and walked towards our beach house. We had came here last night with Mom, Dad, Lola, and (sadly), Shane. He had slept in the guest bedroom. But, when Dad came from work last night, he sat outside of his door with a shotgun.

"Why, because I'm a girl?" I asked, lightly shoving him.

"No, because you're my sister," he shot back.

We stared at each other and, without warning, we broke out in a fit of heavy laughing all the way back to the house.

"Bridgit! Nicholas! Are you tracking sand in the house again?"

We looked at the dirty feet of the surf suits and mumbled, "Erm...no Mom."

We brushed them off on the Welcome mat and I wiggled out of the suit while walking into the kitchen, setting my board down in the hallway.

"So, what are you-?" I stopped walking and wiggling out of the surf suit and let out a small scream of shock. "Harry, what the...?"

Harry Styles, dimpled smile and all, stood merrily in my kitchen, his mom cooling alongside mine and Gemma sitting at the table with him.

"Oh, hey Bridge, I didn't know you surfed."

I groaned and took it off all together, exposing my two piece, so I pulled on some board shorts that I left on a nearby chair. "And I didn't know that you weren't somewhere literally on the other side of be world." I retorted. When I was finished putting on the shorts, I sat at the table next to Harry.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded. "I thought you were in England!"

"I was, but then Gemma told me something that you failed to mention."

My vision traveled to his sister and she raised her hands in defense. "Look, don't drag me into this."

Harry ignored her and said, "It's about Shane."

My eyes immediately snapped to him. He was leaning on the counter, studying us carefully.

"You are an IDIOT," I whispered harshly. "Mom, I'm going upstairs."

"With him?" My Dad nodded towards Harry. "Definitely not."

"Dad," I whined. "It's no big deal."

Mom swatted a kitchen towel at him. "Come on, they're going out. Just, don't come back pregnant."

"Whatever Mom."

hurricane // bridgit mendlerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat