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Hurricane Chapter 31

"I have to tell her!"

"To hell you do, you have nothing to do with this!"

"Ooh, once Selena finds out about this..."

My eyes fluttered open. I was in a hospital bed and Harry, Shane, Jonas, and Lola were arguing in a corner.

"Shut up," I said, in a raspy voice. I cleared my throat and said it louder. "Shut up!"

All eyes turned to me and Nick gasped and ran to my bedside.

"Oh my god, Bridgit, you're alive!"

I frowned at him. "I just hyperventilated. And I blame it on all of you bimbos."

He laughed and gave me a hug as I sat up. "The same old Bridge. Now, Harry has to tell you something and I don't think Lola, Shane, and I should be in the room when he does."

He moved away from me and grabbed Lola's and Shane's hands, pulling them out of the door. I stared at Harry's solemn face.

"What, do I have cancer?" I asked bitterly.

He sighed and sat on a chair next to me.

"Oh god, do I have cancer?" I asked, panicking. I heard the beeping on the monitor accelerate.

"No, no, it's not that," he said, grasping my hand.

"What's the problem then?" I asked.

He exhaled. "You lost the baby."

I stared at him and suddenly, a wave of laughter washed over me.

"What's funny?" Harry demanded.

When my giggles died down, I shook his hand from mine.

"Look at me, Harry," I said, moving his chair closer to the bed. "I'm sex deprived. I haven't had sex in months. Actually-" I paused and laid back down. If I were pregnant, it would have to be your kid, and that was ten months ago. So they must have the wrong Bridgit."

He studied me. "I'm the last person?"

"Don't let it get to your head. And, for the record, this shows I'm not a slut."

But, he was still deep in thought, about, you know, him being my last.

"But I'm not your last," I told him thoughtfully. "There was Taylor, and Caroline, and Selena."

That made his head jerk up. "Selena?"

"Yeah, she brags about it all the time. It makes me want to strangle the life out of her but - " I paused. "Oh my god, you guys didn't do it yet have you?"

He didn't answer. I laughed bitterly.

"She's so jealous of me. I love her, but she's jealous."

Harry stared at me, a frown on his face. "Why would she be jealous?"

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously? I'm best friends with her ex and she's going out with my ex."

"So you're saying she's going out with me to make you jealous?"


"I need some air," he said suddenly and got up to walk out of the room. I frowned. God Bridgit, you really need to learn to keep your mouth shut.

I let my head fall against the white pillows. They were strangely soft...I knew hospitals weren't known for having soft pillows.

'Unless they were housing celebrities,' I thought with a jolt and my eyes widened with panic.

hurricane // bridgit mendlerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora