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I laid in my bed all day. And not like how people lay under their covers, eyes half closed, and a tub of double chocolate ice cream next to them...scratch that - I do have a tub of double chocolate ice cream next to me. But, I was laying on top of my bed. It was made up, the comforter draped over properly, my pillows fluffed and settled neatly. I was simply laying there, in jeans, sneakers, and a shirt, looking up at my ceiling.

I have no idea what to do anymore. I was completely okay at the university in England; I made a couple of real friends (one of the pluses of not being an international celeb), I come back, completely over this curly-headed, green-eyed monster, and he goes and make me have fake sex with him and real cuddling afterwards. It's ridiculous. And not just because I agreed to fake sex (because that's also pretty crazy) but because he's making feelings that had settled, bubble back up.

Making me want to punch him in the face.

So yeah, I stayed exactly how I was for literally hours on end, the only thing comforting me was Ed Sheeran blasting from my headphones, singing about being a Wayfaring Stranger.

It was only when I saw a face above me that I realized that I wasn't alone.

"Hi Nick," I said dryly, not bothering to take out the headphones. Well, I guess I didn't have to since my brother did it for me.

"Bridge, why do you look dead?" He asked.

"Because that's what jerks do to you. They cuddle and then leave."

He furrowed his brows. "No, Bridgit. Jerks don't cuddle. They have sex and leave."

My gaze moved from the ceiling to his face. "You're right." I looked back at the ceiling.

"Wait." He put his hands on my face and turned it towards him. "Did you sleep with Styles?"

I nodded. "That's all we did. Sleep."

He groaned. "God, Bridge, what happened to that Lois and Superman thing?"

"You said that was stupid."

"I say Geometry's stupid, but I need to pass it in order to get out of the hell hole I call school."

"Your point?" I asked.

"You don't need Harry, Bridgit! Now stop laying on your ass and go do something."

I frowned deeply and reached out, my fist enclosing his shirt. "Don't you think I know that? I hissed, bringing him closer to my face. "Don't you think I know that I don't need Harry? I've survived almost eight months without the guy, but you obviously don't understand what it's like to really, really like someone."

I released him and he looked at me, stunned. "You actually love him, don't you?"

"I never said that."

"Oh my god, Bridge, you love him."

"Leave, Nick."

"You truly -"

"Nick, just leave!" I exploded. I expected him to be taken aback, but he just shrugged, already used to my outbursts.

"Just know you can't run away from this forever, big sis."

Then he was gone. And instead of being like most girls in books and pondering over the what he just accused me of, I simply got up, and went down the stairs and into the kitchen where I had left over donuts from Dunkin' Donuts and a fresh bag of Starbucks Iced Coffee Brew.

About 4 minutes after I sat in the living room to eat, there was a knocking on the door. So, I had to get up (slowly, mind you, I'm very lazy) and drag myself to the front door.

"What the-" I cursed. "Jonas what in the hell are you doing here?"

He stood in the doorway, arms opened wide, and a big grin on his face.

"Mendie!" He exclaimed and gave me a hug against myself my will. When I didn't hug him back, he put his hands on my forearms and leaned back, studying me.

"Have you been crying, Bridge?"

I smacked his hands off of my arms. "No! I've been drowning my sorrows in coffee and donuts."

"Talk to me," he said, steering me to the living room.

"No," I replied. "And how do you even know where I live?"

"I'm a stalker, didn't you know? 49.5 restraining orders."

I laughed a bit. "How do you have half a restraining order?"

"I sort of whited-out some of the zeros so now it say I have to stay 26,000 ft."

"Oh did you now?"

"Yup. Now tell me what's the problem?"

I sighed. "Harry tried to buy me for half a mil."

"Like half a million dollars?"

I nodded solemnly. "And then we had fake sex, but real cuddle, and now he's back to being a jackass."

Nick [Jonas] stared at me strangely. "Are you drunk, Bridge?"

I glared at him. "No."

"Then what the hell are you talking about?"

"Nothing," I replied, plopping down on the sofa. "Just nothing."

He didn't pursue anymore questions, which was great. We just sat in silence until he finally broke it.

"Let's go on a trip."

"How did I think you would possibly be able to stay quiet for more than ten minutes?"

"Come on, let's go," Nick repeated, getting up and pulling on my arm.

"What?" Are you mad?"

"No, but maybe a bit tipsy."

"It's 2 o'clock."

"Well, it's five somewhere, so let's just go."

He pulled out his keys and I quickly grabbed them.

"You're not driving me anywhere. Tipsy or drunk, I don't want to die."

And I can't say how much I regretted, about five hours later, walking out that door with him.


Just a small little chapter

I'm surprised I even finished it today, I spent about three hours standing up and giving people tickets at my sister's school's carnival

My brain hurts from counting change.

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